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Edited by Dro-Logic: 11/29/2015 7:47:40 AM
Can someone educate me in something please. Why are people mad about the U.S not going to war with isis? People want to better the economy yet they want us to go into another war? Wouldn't that just make things at home worse? Why do people want to send our troops into battle with them aka fathers and sons to go die in combat when Russia and France are already taking care of isis with the mass bombing they've been doing lately. Sure they probably won't get them all but they're hitting them hard. So why do Americans get mad when we don't want to go to war when we just got out of one thanks to bush? Wouldn't it be better for us to not have to spend more money on war and have troops die more in a war against isis and let France and Russia take care of it? Either my logic is flaw or I seriously don't understand people. Someone please educate me about this because I seriously don't understand. From my understanding have we been hit here in American soil at home by isis like France did? Sure they're our enemies and they hate our guts but they're all talk against us and they don't do shit here at home.

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  • Wonder why all that oil

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  • Why would we want their oil when the U.S. is the number one oil producing country in the world?

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  • Monopoly that's why, gotta keep the fat cats happy somehow.

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  • Then why are we worried about siria I say we rather get our shot straight it stay the fick out of other people's issue that's for them and there people to decide

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  • It makes total sense to bomb Syrian cities after people were shot in France. Total sense.

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  • It would make perfect sense if you actually understood what is going on over there. Skimming the news channel for 20 seconds or hearing some other yokel talk about it won't fill you in. Let the people who do this for a living take care of business. Continue smoking pot and jerking off, these issues will always be there, whether you're paying attention or not.

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  • Edited by Elitespear: 11/29/2015 6:53:23 PM
    What's going over there then? Tell me exactly what is happening there please and how bombing Syrian civilians is relevant to an attack carried out by some French, Belgian and Algerians.

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  • There's a civil war before between Syrian president Bashir Assad's government forces and ISIS. ISIS wants a global caliphate (look up caliphate, it's peachy). Assad is backed by Russia. The west does not support either Assad or ISIS (obviously) if ISIS takes both Iraq and Syria it becomes another lawless safe haven to launch 9-11 style attacks on the rest of the world (Afghanistan memories?) No one is bombing civilians, they are bombing militants. The militants use 4th generational gorilla tactics I.e no uniforms for the exact purpose to confuse their enemies, when average people who are not educated on this type of warfare see them they believe they are civilians.

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  • Really? Then how come so many civilians are getting killed when these militants get bombed? Here's a thought. Has anyone considered that people are joining groups like IS and the levante and the taliban etc etc because their circumstances are so desperate that they are left with no choice. Their lives are desperate because everything they have has been destroyed, their families, their homes etc etc. Now, how does bombing a city like Raqqa actually help destroy IS? There are civilians in there, and they are dying as a direct result of military action against IS. So, what are the repercussions of those? Does anyone actually think that the civilians go "ah it's ok mate. I know you killed me brother and parents because you're trying to kill those bad guys in Islamic State. Keep up the good work Murica!". Think about it. The only thing that bombing Syria does, is continue the cycle. IS targets have been getting bombed for a long time now and they are stronger than ever.

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  • Where are the sources of these civilians getting killed? So you're saying they're justified killing thousands of innocent people because their lives are hard? Right, my life sucks I'm gonna go shoot up a concert in Paris. Gimme a break. Appeasement does not work when you understand their goals. When they utilize suicide bombers to achieve goals it goes beyond desperation, your dealing with people who are willing to off themselves for a greater cause, Allah, the establishment of the caliphate and sharia law. There are no other religions in their eyes. But continue feeling bad for them.

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  • Edited by Elitespear: 11/29/2015 8:07:57 PM
    I'm saying it's justified? Not at all, I'm saying that military action is pushing moderates into radicals. Does that not seem logical to you? It's not about appeasement. You nor I can actually understand their mindset because neither of us have anything close to the sorts of life experiences a lot of these people have suffered through. These people are left with nothing but revenge, they have no education, they do not enjoy the luxuries of being able to see both sides of a coin. They are shown their lives being destroyed and they are told how they can enact revenge and there is no-one there to tell them the actual truth. Then they are brainwashed and after that there isn't any going back. To sit and try to say, "ooh what you're doing isn't actually right mate" when you don't even understand how their minds think it's absurd. There's no point, once they have gone down that road there is no coming back. The only thing to prevent things like this happening is stopping people from going down that road in the first place and levelling another city with airstrikes isn't going to do that. Are you really trying to deny that civilians are being killed in western air strikes? Come on man, just use google. All the info is there to be seen if you actually look for it. [quote]But continue feeling bad for them..[/quote] Yes actually, when children are being killed by forces that represent myself, I do actually feel bad. Don't you?

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  • They were already radical, that's why the military was sent to deal with them in the first place. Logic? And yes I have a great deal of understanding of they do what they do, it's very simple. Allah. Nothing more and nothing less. They are religious fanatics. Continue to feel sorry for a bunch of murdering psychopaths who -blam!- children, animals, treat women like crap and want to kill you.

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  • So all of Syria is radicalised? First I've heard.

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  • You obviously haven't really heard much of anything. What's your solution to this situation, I'm curious.

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  • Edited by Elitespear: 11/29/2015 9:29:27 PM
    Sorry, are you trying to tell me that bombing everything IS a solution? It's starting to appear I've heard a lot more than you, when you tell me the reason they're doing this is purely because of their religion.

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  • We created the enemy. Afghanistan and the Taliban wouldn't have happened if we would have invested in the countries infrastructure after we helped them run the Russians out in the 80's. We left them high and dry. We supported Bin Ladin then and gave him millions. Hell, we supported Saddam in the 80's too. All this "Fighting for our freedom" nonsense is hilarious and a pathetic excuse to continue wasting 2/3 of our military budget.

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  • We supported saddam until he started gasing all the shia's and Kurds in his country. The Iraq war was in the making for atleast ten years before it began. Saddam ignored the UN on multiple occasions, it's actually surprising we didn't go in during the late 90's. The taliban didn't take over Afghanistan until way after the soviets left. We may have supported the mujahideen at one point, but obviously they started attacking us so yea that make us enemies.

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  • We ran Saddam out of power because he harbored terrorists and killed millions. The Taliban seized power after "we" didn't help them set up a government. We didn't really "create" terrorist groups. Osama was trained by the US as well as many others to fight back against terrorism in Iraq. We didn't give him money to cause terrorism, we gave them money to fight it. The moral of the story is the world is -blam!-ed up and filled with nut jobs and idiots.

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  • Moral of the story is we need to quit playing GI Joe and stop wasting money in the middle east. What benefits are we currently getting now that our Syrian bombing campaign costs ten million dollars a day to run?

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  • It's a proxy war against Russia, to avoid a Cold War. You think Trillions is a lot. Try funding a modern Cold War, or a straight all out ww3. It's a chess game, not checkers, educate yourself.

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  • I agree that we should worry about ourselves rather than other countries. But the hard thing about isis is that they are everywhere. Scattered across the world. Even after this terrorist attacks in Paris isis made multiple threats to Washington. If we don't do something about it, sooner or later it'll come and bite us in the ass.

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  • Why do they want to bite us in the ass? We keep poking our noses where it don't belong and keep pissing off the wrong people.

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  • Terrorists kill because well they can and feel that it is right. It's our business if they threaten us or even our allies like france.

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  • War is good for business actually, that's what pulled us out of the Great Depression. As far as money pits go, illegal immigrants and the welfare system are much bigger issues. And why would you not want to wage war on someone who will not, I repeat... WILL NOT relent? They are a cancer that must be dealt with

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  • Are they not being taken care of already? Russia and France have enough people and arsenal to do it. Welfare is something that should be regulated way more. Illegal immigrants are the reason America is build on. They help by paying taxes and not being able to benefit from social security. The only way to deal with immigrants is a path to citizenship that comes with background checks and of course money and a minimum time of having to be here. Most immigrants are people who work harder than citizens that live of welfare. I do agree with you war is good for business but when we're not involved and can sell arsenal to other countries who are. In this case we could help Russia and France by selling them arsenal and we win by helping getting rid of isis while our country gains money to better the economy. Going to war equals you and I having to pay more taxes and in my books that's not a good thing.

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