I was born with almost no hearing and went to speech for year but you can't tell. I was capt of the wrestling team had tons of girlfriends and won homecoming. I was even told by many of my guy friends that they were jealous of how I look. I have had girls come onto me infront of my wife and even some of my friends wives come onto me. I just feel ugly. My close friends have told me it was because those early years that I couldn't communicate and didn't have much attention but I don't care to be good looking. I have a wife. I'm obsessed with being strong and owning firearms because I want to protect my family. Now that you have my life story I just don't like rude people and am mostly only rude to people I see belittling others and before you try to say something else about compensating I'm extremely satisfied with my job, penis size, car, and just about everything else.
I'll tell you something about me. I don't laugh very easily as you can tell, my iq is close to 130. That's what people don't understand, it's harder for me to laugh at simple things. I don't mean to call you guys turds, that's not how I feel about you, that's just me being me.
That's awesome man. Must've just been you lazy typing when you made mistakes then. I like intelligent people but that sucks man. I'm sorry for insulting you. Just thought you were trying to be a bully/attention whore. Sorry for being so upfront. I just -blam!-ing hate bullies. I almost beat the shit out of one of my neighbors for saying something about my little brother a while back.