So recently I have noticed on the forums a widespread hatred toward high aim assist snipers, mainly 1000 yard stare. And I do not think you guys understand what aim assist is. Now don't run to the comments and post "Oh I know what it is you are just a scrub" or any of that. I am going to show you a video that clears up everything so hopefully there are no more complaints about aim assist. Please do not comment until you watched the video
Here it is:
now that you have watched it you might have missed it but here is the thing about aim assist, and I quote "You see you're getting shot from the side, from the flank, and you can take your hand cannon, whip around, you know 90 to 100 degrees and just land on a guy and get a shot off"(btw i know i missed a couple of likes so it is not a direct quote but they are not needed, so dont complain in the comments) so you see there is no mention of easier headshots which is how aim assist is usually perceived. so next time youpost about snipers being op keep in mind this video in which an actual developer goes over aim assist.
I don't understand why all of a sudden everyone is complaining about Snipers!?? Just because you see more people using it now, is that why? Because I am pretty sure AA isn't different in Y2 from Y1. Each had its own sniper that had high AA (Her B, Hereafter, LDR, 1000YS) Come on guys
Even people who understand aim assist are mad about it because it DOES lead to easier headshots. So what if it doesn't increase the hit box or curve bullets, they're mad because it makes aiming, and thus landing headshots, easier.
Another sniper in denial lol I like to snipe too. At least I can admit it's not hard and aa plays a huge part in success