Looking to go flawless?
Looking for squad to do a quick flawless run with. Im a great shot gunner, this map is perfect for it. should be an easy run if you know what you're doing.
must have gone flawless in year 2
add allday7710. let get this done
ADD ME: [b]BOOMH3AD305[/b] Vault of Glass Raid [[u]NO TIME TO EXPLAIN QUEST[/u]] [b]Fireteam[/b]: 1. [u]Warlock[/u] - [b]309[/b]Light 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ADD ME: [b]BOOMH3AD305[/b] [b]*NOTICE*[/b] ([u]Only for [b]Experienced[/b] guardians who know what they're doing [/u]) I'm trying to run through it. Thanks