Collecting some information, just curious. [i]Post is open for discussion. [/i]
Just so it doesn't seem biased, I chose the last option.
[b]Wow! I went away from the forums for a few days, in turn I get over 50 replies. I will look through these and see what happens![/b]
Alot of mixed results as I expected, some good points in here, aswell as some saying they can't be compared. However in certain aspects they can.
Apples or Lawn Furniture? Baseball or Lawn darts? You're comparing two games that have very little in common. Fallout for is a single player, open-world/sandbox RPG. Whose action is largely menu-driven, and what isn't is pretty clunky. Destiny is a MMO-FPS/RPG...that tends towards playing more as a loot-driven Action-RPG than anything like Fallout. If you want to compare Fallout to anything, compare it to Witcher 3 or Dragon Age. If you want to compare Destiny, compare it to Borderlands, Diablo 3, or DC Unvierse Online.