originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"Well, not really." She takes a seat on the lounge, busted and broken. "I'm technically both, but if you're referring to Leech, yeah, I am."
Garuud looks Sullen for a moment. " I know the feeling, as I am sure you have noticed." Garuud leaned against the wall. " So, what happened?"
She looks confused for a moment. "In relation to what?"
"Your dark half, the one that you used to super charge me into a monster" Garuud said with a slight smile. " Grixis was rather... surprised as was I. I never went that dark before."
"I have no dark half nor a light side. There is only me." Leech crosses her legs. "So did you enjoy the power you recieved? I figured it would burn you out, but I was wrong apparently."
"hahahahaha, I did actually. Although I find it hard to keep my.... darker half in check. But not much can really take me out but that is not really why I came here.... I want to meet your boss."
"Oh really?" Leech uncrossed her legs and leans forward, hands clasped together. "If I may be so able to ask why you want to meet it?"
" I want to know how to control this... darker side... embrace it.. I cannot get stronger without it. " Garuud paused. " I suspect that he will be the only one who can show me."
"Well then..." Leech leans back. "In that case, why not simply go to Grixis? He apparently is a 'God' and what not."
"He is not someone that shares, plus he is under the thumb of sarkon. Plus we are not under the best of term's." *flashback to cracking grixis's helm* " figured your benefactor would be a better option"
Edited by MegaBeast42: 12/1/2015 5:06:24 AM"Right. Okay then. Well, first thing you should know, you ask it of something, it requires something from you. The bigger you ask, the more it requires." "Second. You'll always be given a choice in the decisions you make, it will not force you to do anything you don't want to. It's your own choice to do that. But just be ready to live with the consequences of any choice you make." "Third, you do not serve it. It is no master of anyone for it does not believe it is that good. It's a strategist and knows full well that servants mean a mutiny at some point, so it treats anyone like it is working with them, so do not be afraid to voice your thoughts to it." "And one last thing. Do not call it 'He' or 'She'. It is an it. So refer to it that way."
" Good. I will pay the cost. I cannot have this thing kill someone who I do not want to kill. Bad for business. It will be a nice change of pace hahahahaha" Garuud stands up. " So, what do we do?"
"Better question, what is it that you truly seek from Lokumi?" Leech keeps her voice calm, knowing full well that this is a business deal and that it is no place for jokes.
Garuud paused for a moment. " power.... power enough to take control of this darkness within me, power enough to destroy Grixis. To do that, I need control of all of my abilities. My light is not enough. That is what I need." Another voice spoke up ( mature voice) "You sure about this?" Another voice spoke up as well. ( childish voice) "Dude, we sound like a reckoning hero.... so BA" Garuud smiled and said " Im sure."
[b][i]"Well then."[/i][/b] A voice from nowhere in the room says. [b][i]"When you told me this one had different voices inside his head, I didn't believe you Leech."[/i][/b] "Well you should, I never lie to you remember." Leech says, taking off her helmet, exposing the differences to her from before. Now, instead of two hazel eyes, she has a light grey/silver eye and a dark blue (almost black) one. Plus, her hair is no longer brown. It's completely black with white tips, flowing down to her shoulder with care and grace. [b][i]"Or so you tell me Leech. Anyway, hello the Titan named Garuud. My name is Lokumi."[/i][/b] The voice is surprisingly warm with a hint of humor.
Garuud chuckled. " Yep! been there since I woke up in a testing facility, hello yourself!" Garuud said to Lokumi. " So, are you like a ghost or something?"
[b][i]"I'm behind you."[/i][/b] It says with it's own chuckle.
Garuud then feels the insanely dark presence of Lokumi behind him. He slowly turned around to face him. " Very sneaky! But that explains why no one has heard of you before. The best secrets are the ones no one knows about." Another voice spoke up as well. ( Mature voice) "Indeed!" Then the other voice spoke up as well. ( Childish voice) "Oh holy crap!" The dark within Garuud merely chuckled. Its curiosity peaked.
What Garuud sees is a creature almost like a Warlock, with long flowing robes and scattered armor plating in the shape of hive chiton cover every chance of bare skin and bone to be seen. The mask he wears is a full face cover with two horns out the front. There is no mouth shape on the mask, just two shadows of eyes. [b][i]"I'm not sneaky, I was standing here the whole time."[/i][/b]
Garuud takes a moment to process that. " Okay, so you heard what I wanted to do. What would you require to have that happen? What do I need to do?"
[b][i]"Well, I understand you are having trouble controlling your Darkness, so I will focus on that before I anything. Consider it a show of good faith to prove I won't use you against your wishes."[/i][/b] [b][i]"There are two ways to control it. One, get an infusion of Darkness connected straight to your light, infusing it permanently to your soul, giving you much more control and power forever. Be warned though, it means you can't go back to the Travelers complete light easily."[/i][/b] [b][i]"Two, there is an ancient Hive anklet hidden on the Moon, deep within the fortress below the ground. It will grant you control over the Darkness at a much stronger rate, but it will cut off the light you receive from the Travelers shadow. The benefit though, you can take it off when you want, but it will leave you with some form of side effect that I do not know about."[/i][/b] "Remember that it will give you a choice no matter what." Leech speaks up. "You can say 'no'."
Garuud ponders for a moment. " I am going to go with the Anklet, it only has to be long enough to take out Grixis. Side effects be damned. So, the moon. Huh? Any idea where I should start looking?" Garuud asked. ( Mature voice) " You sure about this? We don't know what it does." Garuud stops for a moment " I know, but it is not permanent."
[b][i]"It could be permanent. I don't know. But the location is where a giant ogre used to be, it's name was Phogoth before it died. A coven of wizards had the Anklet on it to infuse more Dark energy into it. That is where the side effects come from. And nobody can control an ogre."[/i][/b] "What it's saying is that's where we should start searching." Leech says.
" Done deal! I know where bubble brains used to be!" Another voice spoke up. " Oh yes, the majestic ogre!" (childish voice) " Oh! I want to blow him up again! So fun!" Garuud smiled. " indeed" Garuud started to leave to go to his ship. " You coming too?" He looked at Leech/ Alice as he said this. With that he opened the door and entered his ship and set course for the moon.
[b][i]"One last thing. Take this."[/i][/b] A ring appears floating in the air in front of Garuud made of solid shadow. [b][i]"It allows us to communicate if you want to know what it does. Anyway, enjoy yourselves."[/i][/b] With that, Lokumi dissapears into shadows, the ring floating in mid air. "So..." Leech gets up and walks up to Garuud. "Let's get going, Gu-tie." And she walks out the door, scanning for Quinn and Tellio.
Garuud put the ring on. It stuck fast to his finger. " Gu-tie? I make the nicknames here! bahahaha" Garuud said as he set a course for the moon. Garuud then began to take off. Once in the air he took off towards the moon. Once near the moon he spied the Hellmouth. " lots of time spent here! haha!" Garuud chuckled as he landed his ship and began the descent into the Hellmouth.