[b]it is the dead of night. The car, holding the urban group, along with the mysterious man who picked up Fyn from the escape pod, arrives at a large skyscraper. Jack watches from a distance, scouting undetected.[/b]
[spoiler]open to group 1. Things are about to heat up.[/spoiler]
"Boss's floor."
"Wish this elevator would hurry up." I sit back and wait for the elevator to go up
[b]You arrive to see Python shooting silver as he leaps out a window.[/b]
"Hmm." I draw Retribution and impale one of the guards, and toss a handful of knives at the other guard "You guys suck for zombie apocalypse survivors." I walk into the room
[b]They die gurgling about electric broomsticks.[/b] [b]Python looks toward you, eyes red, and shotguns raised.[/b]
I roll my eyes "Again? Again." I turn and face Python "Jack better show eventually. Or else my ticket will be punched."
[b]He fires crazily towards you.[/b]
I roll, dodging the shots, and fling a handful of armour piercing knives at Python
[b]He feels them, but they still do little to him. He shoots his way through the floor, chasing silver.[/b]
*Silver, having followed an abandoned street, has finally found the quarantine wall. After being amazed at its size, he starts his new job to find the rest of his new team. "Now, to find a way through."
Edited by Murph Tha Smurf: 12/1/2015 3:37:04 PM[b]The man calls you back over to the base of the skyscraper, saying it's important. Corpses also seem to piling towards the wall.[/b]
Edited by SilverPulse620: 12/1/2015 3:53:40 PM*Silver make his way towards the skyscraper, keeping away from the creatures *arrives at the skyscraper, and looks around
[b]He stares at you blankly.[/b] "Sorry about this." [b]He pulls a pistol.[/b] "Don't try anything, and no one has to die." [b]Armored soldiers with LMG's come out of the building.[/b]
Edited by SilverPulse620: 12/1/2015 5:19:44 PM*Silver, looking confused, put his hands slightly up "Ok... what exactly are you doing?"
"Boss wants to see you. Just security, no weapons allowed up there."
Edited by SilverPulse620: 12/1/2015 6:09:55 PM*reluctantly hands over deactivated energy sword "May I inquire as to who this boss of yours is exactly?"
"He doesn't like to be named by his underlings."
Edited by SilverPulse620: 12/1/2015 7:42:41 PM"Ok... I guess." *pause "Well then, I suppose the appropriate thing to say would be to 'Take me to your leader.'"
[b]The armored men grab you a bit gruffly, pushing you along slowly.[/b] [b]The man takes the sword and puts it in a duffel bag over his shoulder.[/b]
*looks to bag "Hey! Be careful with that! It is a very delicate piece of technology, not some..." *pushed forward before he can finish sentence
[b]You arrive an elevator. The man with your weapon states he'll take the stairs and walks off as it closes.[/b]
Edited by SilverPulse620: 12/1/2015 9:04:16 PM*watches as man walks up the stairs *goes inside the elevator "How far up are we going?"
"Top floor."
"Huh." *waits until elevator reaches top, and taps his foot during the last half of the way up
[b]It opens, a man in a huge chair, almost a throne behind a desk, facing the window. All you can see is the back of the chair.[/b] [???] "Is this one of them?" "uh, yessir." [???] "Leave us alone."