Collecting some information, just curious. [i]Post is open for discussion. [/i]
Just so it doesn't seem biased, I chose the last option.
[b]Wow! I went away from the forums for a few days, in turn I get over 50 replies. I will look through these and see what happens![/b]
Alot of mixed results as I expected, some good points in here, aswell as some saying they can't be compared. However in certain aspects they can.
I haven't played Destiny since Fallout 4 came out and I hate to say this (I really do), but I don't miss it. In F4 I can get home from work and just jump straight into what I want to do regardless of whether that's clearing an enemy stronghold, improving one of my settlements or just playing fetch with Dogmeat. In Destiny I would usually end up waiting for ages for enough people to be online to do a raid, only to get nothing by the time it was completed. Have to say Fallout 4 wins for me.