I want to play the game but I am not sure how good it is. People are saying it is the game if the year but I'm not so sure...
Anyway, which platform do you play on? (As far as witching goes)
The Witcher 3 is my GOTY Rise of the tomb raider is my runner up
I played it on Xbox One and it was great. But if you have a PC that can handle it on max settings I'd go that way. If not just get it for one of the consoles.
>Xbox is in 2nd place >Runs the worst on Xbox GG #gaming
If you have a good pc then go pc but if not then pick your favorite console so you have more fun while playing it.
I played on PS4. The best experience is on a high end PC.
PC if you want the graphics experience. The consoles I guess are on par performance wise after all the patches so just whichever is your preference.
Got the game on PS4 for $25 during the flash sale and all of the add ons are free on PS4. (Except for the hearts of stone dlc)
You can't go wrong on any console but if your PC can run it I would go with that
I only have it for Xb1 but obviously it looks best on PC
PC; I currently have the Ultimate Graphics Options Mod and E3FX installed; the game looks like it did back at E3 2013 xD
Wii U
PC. The buttery-smoothness is real.
Ps4 , definitely worth it. Dlc awesome as well. Great story and great graphics