originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[b][i]"Well then."[/i][/b] A voice from nowhere in the room says. [b][i]"When you told me this one had different voices inside his head, I didn't believe you Leech."[/i][/b]
"Well you should, I never lie to you remember." Leech says, taking off her helmet, exposing the differences to her from before. Now, instead of two hazel eyes, she has a light grey/silver eye and a dark blue (almost black) one. Plus, her hair is no longer brown. It's completely black with white tips, flowing down to her shoulder with care and grace.
[b][i]"Or so you tell me Leech. Anyway, hello the Titan named Garuud. My name is Lokumi."[/i][/b] The voice is surprisingly warm with a hint of humor.
"Except for... Ugh... I can never get a good entrance these days." Ax walked in, Dew by his side. "What have you two been up to?"
"Um slaying monsters and getting fat paychecks! Like always!" ( mature voice) "huzzah!"
"May I join the fray?" Ax asked as Dew licked Sheila's hand.