I figured I would say something about this, since half of the f[b]u[/b]cking community never cared to actually get aware of what is happening.
The people giving Bungie shit are doing good, but they're being ignored.
What happened to "raise your voice or be a face in the crowd"?
Feedback goes nowhere and I personally believe that it's complete and utter bullshit.
It's people like me that are trying to turn this whole thing around for the better, I've tried being polite about this shit, but I just can't do it anymore.
We've all been lied to, multiple times.
The problem is that nobody notices.
I don't want to stand by and watch this game go down, I really don't.
I want to see Bungie redeem themselves and I want to see it done fast.
I love what was, not what is.
You idiots have dug yourselves into a hole, and it just keeps getting deeper.
It's almost like you guys are praying that if you dig deep enough, you could find a nice flight of stairs to escape.
It's not gonna happen.
You know what I can't stand?
Being lied to, and being let down.
You know what's even worse?
Being lied to and let down, more than once.
There was no shortage of letdowns in with this game.
Just to name a few:
•The Dark Below
•House of Wolves
•The Taken King
•Certain Exotic Questlines
•Kings Fall Challenge Mode
Remember that thread I made about the Sleeper Simulant Quest a little while ago?
The one where I was pissed about how lazy it was "designed"?
I still remember before I actually got the gun, I got so many replies telling me that the quest wasn't over, how stupid I was for judging before it was fully seen, how I was jealous that I couldn't make a game like Destiny.
The next day?
Boy, sure made those guys look like idiots.
I've seen what happens with shit like this. Now I've had enough of the f[b]u[/b]cking sheep in this community.
[b][i]You blind and spineless asskissers are the reason this game is dying![/i][/b]
What about Challenge Mode?
Guess what a whole bunch of people think of it.
[spoiler]You guessed right;
A massive.
My problem with Bungie right now is that they never prove me wrong.
You know who always is wrong in the end though?
The fanboys.
I think you poor bastards have had enough.
Every time new content is announced, you swarm the forums in a buzz about how great it'll be and how haters are just idiots!
That's why Destiny is dying!
That's why content releases are almost always massive letdowns!
Bungie knows that the fanboys will keep chucking money at their screens, but they don't care.
You guys have been played like f[b]u[/b]cking fiddles and you don't even notice!
You need to realize how the original and awesome suggestions on the forums are put behind the nerf posts and swept under the rug!
When was the last time you saw DeeJ on these forums?
Not any time in the last month, I'll bet.
What does Cozmo do?
Gives the good posts the ol' "I'll tell the devs" and forgets about them.
Don't you people see?
Bungie doesn't care about us anymore!
Don't try to pin this on Activision either, remember that Bungie signed the partnership contract.
They know what you want, but they don't give one single f[b]u[/b]ck about us at all!
Even Luke Smith mocks the community for being a bunch of blind money-throwing sheep!
Bungie has no reason to go beyond expectations, because they know Halo already sealed their reputation.
Bungie can't ever prove people like me wrong, this game and any content involving it are all just massive letdowns!
Get it through your heads guys.
If we don't start setting standards and stop blindly throwing cash, this game will die for good and Bungie will be immortalized as "that horrible company that milked their loyal fanbase for years and then spat in their fans faces".
So I ask of you, community;
Have you finally had enough?
Are you with me?
If you are, I need you to spread the word.
•Copy/Paste this post wherever it seems appropriate to keep the cause alive
•Frequently use #BumpForTruth
•Stop pre-ordering, start waiting for reviews and gameplay.
They can't silence us if we have strength in numbers!
That's why I ask the help of those who're fed up with this treatment of the fans!
I'm bound to be hit with a swift Ninja-Banhammer swing any moment now, so I need you guys to take this torch and keep it lit.
A man alone can't change much, but if he rises with a team, change is possible.
Please, I'm counting on every last one of you.
Make Bungie understand what they're doing wrong.
Don't let them kill a game with so much potential.
[b]Raise. Your. Voice.[/b]
[b]Make. Yourself. Heard.[/b]
[quote]Bungie never listens[/quote] Soooo.....how about all of those patches that everyone on the forums went crazy about? What about them constantly trying to improve the games overall experiences? I will speak up, [b]when I feel it is appropriate to.[/b] I too also [b]refuse to be another face in the crowd.[/b] Yet OP, you fail to relise that [b]you yourself are simply another face in the crowd of people who hate Destiny, who hate Bungie.[/b] You merely rephrased the same old concerns, [b]of which Bungie acknowledged and changed.[/b] And what I find laughable is the fact that you create a hate thread instead of formally addressing the issues. As if Bungie would want to read posts like these. This thread has done nothing, and it will continue to do so. What will be better is creating [b]suggestions to Bungies problems as opposed to bashing them outright for what, in your opinion, they did wrong.[/b]
I disagree with you that Destiny ignores the community, you are looking at this in a very one-sided manner. They can't please everyone, but they are certainly doing updates and strides to appease some of the community. When you have millions of players, no one company has the man power to address every single forum post, but they certainly have addressed several of the issues: People requesting gun nerfs - has been met with several meta changes to various weapon types. The PVP crowd is always complaining about this or that weapon or weapon type and generally there is an update to tweak the balance every couple months. So the devs are always working on balancing these components. "Throw money at the screen" - If you don't want the expansions then don't buy them. COD can justify $60 for the same MP every year and a 2 hour campaign. Destiny has many many hours of PVE gameplay in addition to PVP. The value proposition here is better than most games, so I don't see the issue here. Challenge Mode - People bitching hardcore about not getting 320 drops or guaranteed drops in hard mode. They introduce challenge mode that gives guaranteed 320 drops and now people bitch about it being too easy. Pick your battles, why complain about guaranteed drops when that was the main issue with Hard Mode? Exotic quests - People bitching about RNG exotic drops in year one, so they introduce not only 3OC but also exotic quests that are not linked to an obscure RNG bounty. What's wrong with having short exotic quests. Also Sleeper would have been extremely difficult to figure out how to complete the quest line without the solution being crowdsourced on reddit. Also No Time to Explain, how the hell would the average player have figured out to jump off the cliff and nearly die to get to those ghost shells. An individual player would have issues with these quests. OMG Weapon Parts - They allow you to buy them now. You haven't even listed any constructive criticisms of the game, other than "it's a letdown" and then you name each expansion. Don't be sheep, just hate bungie and the game in general. If you have specific issues with the aspects of the game, then write that down and how you would want bungie to fix some of them. Rambling, blanket statement bitching doesn't do any good for any of us. If you have solutions to your perceived problems, (which you do not flesh out any details whatsoever), then list them next to the problems. Explain how we have actually been lied to. They constantly update and tweak the game according to requests from the user base, so I believe there is little basis for your "call to arms" by the community. If you have constructive changes, then post that to Bungie. You remind me of those "we are the 1% people"; all this rhetoric, but no substance.
No where, in this very long post of yours, did you actually state an opinion of what "is" wrong with the game. But I guess that's cool... Attention seeker confirmed.
Edited by Ez: 12/2/2015 11:20:37 PMHere's the problem I have... If it's such crap, if you're so dissatisfied with the product, how the hell do you have almost 1200 hours played (and this is just current characters; no telling if you deleted and made new ones)? For all its faults (and the game certainly has faults), you've liked it enough to devote almost 2 months of your life playing it! Value? the game has cost you about 11 cents per hour assuming $60 for vanilla, $40 for 2 DLC and $40 for another DLC 'plus' (more than a DLC, less than an expansion). I'd say that's a damn good deal. By comparison, I've spent about 10 hours playing Battlefront before I got bored and quit playing. That's how much time you should be spending in a pretty game with no depth. 1200 hours spent playing a game that "sucks" means you're either a masochist or a hypocrite.
I read a lot of bitching and complaining but no constructive criticism on how to actually make the game better. All this post is asking you to do is pick up the pitchforks and torches and march on Bungie's headquarters. Mob mentality of whiners. Go play fallout 4 and shut up.
you're right but you're asking in the wrong forum. you fail to realize that a majority here will suck and get -blam!-ed by Bungie because they're hardcore fans (a cancer). Most here are too blind to see the truth and are the sole reason why gaming is shit.
K bby
Edited by A Beaten Leaf: 12/2/2015 11:01:20 PMPutting Salt in an organized package is better than all it over the floor. [spoiler]But it is still NaCl.[/spoiler]
So what you're saying is.....Bungie is Michael Bay, and Destiny is Transformers? And no matter how bad the movies are people will still watch them cause its freaking Transformers?
Edited by bobswerski: 12/2/2015 10:36:16 PMInsulting people who like the game is neither necessary or noble. Believe it or not you are not so amazing that it's impossible for a rational person to disagree with you. Not everyone who realizes that developers are imperfect and have limitations on what can actually be done and *gasp* enjoy the game is stupid, naive, or a shill. Calling them names and suggesting they enjoy sexual acts to be performed on them by Bungie doesn't help anyone but your ego. So stop with that crap and try being realistic and constructive. (p.s., Don't bother trying to bait me, if anyone posts some idiotic response to this that contains the words desticle or fgt rest assured I will shake my head and mute you without further comment, it's not worth my time.)
Edited by Optimus96: 12/2/2015 9:18:20 PM[quote]Bungie never listens[/quote] Community: We want Year 2 versions of old exotics!!! Bungie: Okay, here you go. Community: OMFG BUNGIE!!! WHY YOU RECYCLE CONTENT?!?!? Edit: Look, even tho Bungie shouldn't have taken these Year 1 exotics away in the first play, they still -blam!-ing listened to their playerbase and added them in. If we didn't speak up, these exotics would still probably useless for the entirety of Year 2. Their are a bunch of other things Bungie has put in (even tho some of them should have in the game in the first place) that the players suggested. If no one suggested them, then they would have never been added to the game.
Posted by "Anarchy". All I need to say.
[quote]I figured I would say something about this, since half of the fuсking community never cared to actually get aware of what is happening. The people giving Bungie shit are doing good, but they're being ignored. What happened to "raise your voice or be a face in the crowd"? Feedback goes nowhere and I personally believe that it's complete and utter bullshit. It's people like me that are trying to turn this whole thing around for the better, I've tried being polite about this shit, but I just can't do it anymore. We've all been lied to, multiple times. The problem is that nobody notices. I don't want to stand by and watch this game go down, I really don't. I want to see Bungie redeem themselves and I want to see it done fast. I love what was, not what is. You idiots have dug yourselves into a hole, and it just keeps getting deeper. It's almost like you guys are praying that if you dig deep enough, you could find a nice flight of stairs to escape. It's not gonna happen. You know what I can't stand? Being lied to, and being let down. You know what's even worse? Being lied to and let down, more than once. There was no shortage of letdowns in with this game. Just to name a few: •Release •The Dark Below •House of Wolves •The Taken King •Certain Exotic Questlines •Kings Fall Challenge Mode Remember that thread I made about the Sleeper Simulant Quest a little while ago? The one where I was pissed about how lazy it was "designed"? I still remember before I actually got the gun, I got so many replies telling me that the quest wasn't over, how stupid I was for judging before it was fully seen, how I was jealous that I couldn't make a game like Destiny. The next day? Boy, sure made those guys look like idiots. I've seen what happens with shit like this. Now I've had enough of the fuсking sheep in this community. [b][i]You blind and spineless asskissers are the reason this game is dying![/i][/b] What about Challenge Mode? Guess what a whole bunch of people think of it. [spoiler]You guessed right; A massive. Fuсking. Letdown.[/spoiler] My problem with Bungie right now is that they never prove me wrong. You know who always is wrong in the end though? The fanboys. I think you poor bastards have had enough. Every time new content is announced, you swarm the forums in a buzz about how great it'll be and how haters are just idiots! That's why Destiny is dying! That's why content releases are almost always massive letdowns! Bungie knows that the fanboys will keep chucking money at their screens, but they don't care. You guys have been played like fuсking fiddles and you don't even notice! You need to realize how the original and awesome suggestions on the forums are put behind the nerf posts and swept under the rug! When was the last time you saw DeeJ on these forums? Not any time in the last month, I'll bet. What does Cozmo do? Gives the good posts the ol' "I'll tell the devs" and forgets about them. Don't you people see? Bungie doesn't care about us anymore! Don't try to pin this on Activision either, remember that Bungie signed the partnership contract. They know what you want, but they don't give one single fuсk about us at all! Even Luke Smith mocks the community for being a bunch of blind money-throwing sheep! Bungie has no reason to go beyond expectations, because they know Halo already sealed their reputation. Bungie can't ever prove people like me wrong, this game and any content involving it are all just massive letdowns! Get it through your heads guys. If we don't start setting standards and stop blindly throwing cash, this game will die for good and Bungie will be immortalized as "that horrible company that milked their loyal fanbase for years and then spat in their fans faces". So I ask of you, community; Have you finally had enough? Are you with me? If you are, I need you to spread the word. •Copy/Paste this post wherever it seems appropriate to keep the cause alive •Frequently use #BumpForTruth •Stop pre-ordering, start waiting for reviews and gameplay. They can't silence us if we have strength in numbers! That's why I ask the help of those who're fed up with this treatment of the fans! I'm bound to be hit with a swift Ninja-Banhammer swing any moment now, so I need you guys to take this torch and keep it lit. A man alone can't change much, but if he rises with a team, change is possible. Please, I'm counting on every last one of you. Make Bungie understand what they're doing wrong. Don't let them kill a game with so much potential. [b]Raise. Your. Voice.[/b] [b]Make. Yourself. Heard.[/b] [i]~Anarchy[/i][/quote] Have this edit, no more fuсking around with [b][/b].
Edited by brandt420: 12/2/2015 10:18:12 PMRemember that Destiny is a game, not a lifestyle. Bungie listens, I'm sure they're tired of the minority crying about how terrible their game is while playing hundreds of hours.
Amen brotha'.
Yeah, the game needs vast improvements and it would be great if DeeJ and Cozmo actually took a much more active role in the community. The only thing the game really has going for it that everyone says is what keeps them playing is the gunplay and playing with friends. That's just about it.
I think Bungie doesn't know how to run this kind of game with a balance of grind, casual, hardcore, team, solo, pvp and pve. Their only previous large game experience was halo which had a much smaller focus. Really no games offer the balance of PVE and pvp destiny attempts to. They are still struggling to figure it out. They keep mixing up the formula trying to find exactly what works. I've accepted for awhile destiny is a beta for this new kind of game and we can hope destiny 2 will be better. It's still enjoyable and a good mix of gameplay just not perfect.
Ye we are the idiots here. The game sucks, everything theyve added has been a disappointment and the developers dont listen to you. Yet you still play it every day.
Edited by ferial56: 12/2/2015 10:30:54 PMI love the game. A lot. That's never going to change. Disappointing sometimes? Hell yes. Frustrating sometimes? Definitely. But fun? Yes. Absolutely. I've never had so much fun in a video game every since Bungie's halos and the Fable games. OK. ABOUT YOUR POST... You kinda overdramatized it. Unwanted. Or needed. It ain't bad, but it sure as hell didn't need to be there. I think the sole problem that caused Destiny's downfall was the decision to reboot it. And firing their writer. The "cut content"? It was in the original plan. The story? The original plan. The open worlds? The original plan. Whoever decided to reboot it is responsible for the pathetic excuse for a story, and a half ass game at launch. Balance is meh. Still a problem. Sun breakers OP? IMO yes, but I'm fine if there's no change. Challenge mode disappointing ? Warpriest yes, but wait for Oryx, Golgy and the daughters before a final decision. IN CONCLUSION.... Destiny isn't what I would say a great game, but it's a fun one. -[i]The guy with no house.[/i]
Everything the OP has said is true anyone else who doesn't agree is either. A.) Troll B) Fanboy C) Sweaty try hard teenager D) Works for #Bungie