I figured I would say something about this, since half of the f[b]u[/b]cking community never cared to actually get aware of what is happening.
The people giving Bungie shit are doing good, but they're being ignored.
What happened to "raise your voice or be a face in the crowd"?
Feedback goes nowhere and I personally believe that it's complete and utter bullshit.
It's people like me that are trying to turn this whole thing around for the better, I've tried being polite about this shit, but I just can't do it anymore.
We've all been lied to, multiple times.
The problem is that nobody notices.
I don't want to stand by and watch this game go down, I really don't.
I want to see Bungie redeem themselves and I want to see it done fast.
I love what was, not what is.
You idiots have dug yourselves into a hole, and it just keeps getting deeper.
It's almost like you guys are praying that if you dig deep enough, you could find a nice flight of stairs to escape.
It's not gonna happen.
You know what I can't stand?
Being lied to, and being let down.
You know what's even worse?
Being lied to and let down, more than once.
There was no shortage of letdowns in with this game.
Just to name a few:
•The Dark Below
•House of Wolves
•The Taken King
•Certain Exotic Questlines
•Kings Fall Challenge Mode
Remember that thread I made about the Sleeper Simulant Quest a little while ago?
The one where I was pissed about how lazy it was "designed"?
I still remember before I actually got the gun, I got so many replies telling me that the quest wasn't over, how stupid I was for judging before it was fully seen, how I was jealous that I couldn't make a game like Destiny.
The next day?
Boy, sure made those guys look like idiots.
I've seen what happens with shit like this. Now I've had enough of the f[b]u[/b]cking sheep in this community.
[b][i]You blind and spineless asskissers are the reason this game is dying![/i][/b]
What about Challenge Mode?
Guess what a whole bunch of people think of it.
[spoiler]You guessed right;
A massive.
My problem with Bungie right now is that they never prove me wrong.
You know who always is wrong in the end though?
The fanboys.
I think you poor bastards have had enough.
Every time new content is announced, you swarm the forums in a buzz about how great it'll be and how haters are just idiots!
That's why Destiny is dying!
That's why content releases are almost always massive letdowns!
Bungie knows that the fanboys will keep chucking money at their screens, but they don't care.
You guys have been played like f[b]u[/b]cking fiddles and you don't even notice!
You need to realize how the original and awesome suggestions on the forums are put behind the nerf posts and swept under the rug!
When was the last time you saw DeeJ on these forums?
Not any time in the last month, I'll bet.
What does Cozmo do?
Gives the good posts the ol' "I'll tell the devs" and forgets about them.
Don't you people see?
Bungie doesn't care about us anymore!
Don't try to pin this on Activision either, remember that Bungie signed the partnership contract.
They know what you want, but they don't give one single f[b]u[/b]ck about us at all!
Even Luke Smith mocks the community for being a bunch of blind money-throwing sheep!
Bungie has no reason to go beyond expectations, because they know Halo already sealed their reputation.
Bungie can't ever prove people like me wrong, this game and any content involving it are all just massive letdowns!
Get it through your heads guys.
If we don't start setting standards and stop blindly throwing cash, this game will die for good and Bungie will be immortalized as "that horrible company that milked their loyal fanbase for years and then spat in their fans faces".
So I ask of you, community;
Have you finally had enough?
Are you with me?
If you are, I need you to spread the word.
•Copy/Paste this post wherever it seems appropriate to keep the cause alive
•Frequently use #BumpForTruth
•Stop pre-ordering, start waiting for reviews and gameplay.
They can't silence us if we have strength in numbers!
That's why I ask the help of those who're fed up with this treatment of the fans!
I'm bound to be hit with a swift Ninja-Banhammer swing any moment now, so I need you guys to take this torch and keep it lit.
A man alone can't change much, but if he rises with a team, change is possible.
Please, I'm counting on every last one of you.
Make Bungie understand what they're doing wrong.
Don't let them kill a game with so much potential.
[b]Raise. Your. Voice.[/b]
[b]Make. Yourself. Heard.[/b]
Meh, it's just a video game. I don't understand you girls that get your panties in a bunch over it. Man up and grow a pair.
very nicely said :) the main problem , i feel , is that they have a skeleton crew of roughly 6-12 guys working on destiny 1 whilst the rest of bungie hq is working on Destiny2
Edited by saint4hire: 12/2/2015 5:51:00 PMI agree with a lot of what you noted - I use the phrase "so much unrealized potential". And there are still quite a few good things about this game - and there are certainly many, many other areas that require drastic improvement. And hopefully, they will make such improvements in the future - until then, "Alas, Destiny"... But whatever.... What I did was finally just put the game down and started playing something else (Fallout 4). I'm of the mind that the biggest statement you can make to Bungie regarding their game is to simply not play it. I'm sure they're noticing the drop-off in players. This is mainly due to a lot of competition now. Which is a good thing because it forces Bungie to evolve. For a long while now, they have had the biggest player-base because there were so fewer games to play - now, if they want to keep Destiny strong - they will have to improve it. Unless, of course, people continue to play it - which, strangely enough, are the same people who will rant and rave in the forums about how broken it is. I'm the first to admit - Destiny and I had quite the dalliance - but alas, I must be moving on now - but not without some regret. Hopefully, they will improve - albeit, it will never be to everyone's satisfaction because this is an impossible feat because, to put it very simply, you can't please everyone - but there are some major areas that require improvement (Broken RNG, sketchy PvP, and last, but certainly not least, the infusing system). So, in closing, I would say simply - Don't play - play something else and hope they get their heads out of their a$$es. Edit - Oh, and I almost forgot - 17 days - #DestinySober
Some pretty simple facts: 1. Destiny is a total disappointment 2. Bungie lies quite often 3. DLCs were complete pieces of shit. 4. If you're still playing this game, your an idiot. 5. If you're still defending this game, you're a retard. 6. Destiny is dying. Slowly...but its clearly seeing less people playing now that there is some actual competition. 7. It's fun to spectate on the forums to see the Desticles continue to make excuses. 8. ....I ran out of shits. Back to laughing at people still wasting time playing this crap. ;)
Next I'm gonna read "50 shades of grey"
I'm not "with" you, you think you know it all, see it all & have the answers. Everyone not on board with your ideas is [insert random generalization here]. People with that mindset are dangerous and delusional.
[quote]I figured I would say something about this, since half of the f[b]u[/b]cking community never cared to actually get aware of what is happening. The people giving Bungie shit are doing good, but they're being ignored. What happened to "raise your voice or be a face in the crowd"? Feedback goes nowhere and I personally believe that it's complete and utter bullshit. It's people like me that are trying to turn this whole thing around for the better, I've tried being polite about this shit, but I just can't do it anymore. We've all been lied to, multiple times. The problem is that nobody notices. I don't want to stand by and watch this game go down, I really don't. I want to see Bungie redeem themselves and I want to see it done fast. I love what was, not what is. You idiots have dug yourselves into a hole, and it just keeps getting deeper. It's almost like you guys are praying that if you dig deep enough, you could find a nice flight of stairs to escape. It's not gonna happen. You know what I can't stand? Being lied to, and being let down. You know what's even worse? Being lied to and let down, more than once. There was no shortage of letdowns in with this game. Just to name a few: •Release •The Dark Below •House of Wolves •The Taken King •Certain Exotic Questlines •Kings Fall Challenge Mode Remember that thread I made about the Sleeper Simulant Quest a little while ago? The one where I was pissed about how lazy it was "designed"? I still remember before I actually got the gun, I got so many replies telling me that the quest wasn't over, how stupid I was for judging before it was fully seen, how I was jealous that I couldn't make a game like Destiny. The next day? Boy, sure made those guys look like idiots. I've seen what happens with shit like this. Now I've had enough of the f[b]u[/b]cking sheep in this community. [b][i]You blind and spineless asskissers are the reason this game is dying![/i][/b] What about Challenge Mode? Guess what a whole bunch of people think of it. [spoiler]You guessed right; A massive. F[b]u[/b]cking. Letdown.[/spoiler] My problem with Bungie right now is that they never prove me wrong. You know who always is wrong in the end though? The fanboys. I think you poor bastards have had enough. Every time new content is announced, you swarm the forums in a buzz about how great it'll be and how haters are just idiots! That's why Destiny is dying! That's why content releases are almost always massive letdowns! Bungie knows that the fanboys will keep chucking money at their screens, but they don't care. You guys have been played like f[b]u[/b]cking fiddles and you don't even notice! You need to realize how the original and awesome suggestions on the forums are put behind the nerf posts and swept under the rug! When was the last time you saw DeeJ on these forums? Not any time in the last month, I'll bet. What does Cozmo do? Gives the good posts the ol' "I'll tell the devs" and forgets about them. Don't you people see? Bungie doesn't care about us anymore! Don't try to pin this on Activision either, remember that Bungie signed the partnership contract. They know what you want, but they don't give one single f[b]u[/b]ck about us at all! Even Luke Smith mocks the community for being a bunch of blind money-throwing sheep! Bungie has no reason to go beyond expectations, because they know Halo already sealed their reputation. Bungie can't ever prove people like me wrong, this game and any content involving it are all just massive letdowns! Get it through your heads guys. If we don't start setting standards and stop blindly throwing cash, this game will die for good and Bungie will be immortalized as "that horrible company that milked their loyal fanbase for years and then spat in their fans faces". So I ask of you, community; Have you finally had enough? Are you with me? If you are, I need you to spread the word. •Copy/Paste this post wherever it seems appropriate to keep the cause alive •Frequently use #BumpForTruth •Stop pre-ordering, start waiting for reviews and gameplay. They can't silence us if we have strength in numbers! That's why I ask the help of those who're fed up with this treatment of the fans! I'm bound to be hit with a swift Ninja-Banhammer swing any moment now, so I need you guys to take this torch and keep it lit. A man alone can't change much, but if he rises with a team, change is possible. Please, I'm counting on every last one of you. Make Bungie understand what they're doing wrong. Don't let them kill a game with so much potential. [b]Raise. Your. Voice.[/b] [b]Make. Yourself. Heard.[/b] [i]~Anarchy[/i][/quote]
[quote]Name any other game that has even tried to accommodate to its fans. Do they have stuff to work on? Yes of course but any other developers would have said here's our game play it or don't. Be happy that they even want your opinion and yes it's just your opinion. Be patient. No one is forcing you to play.[/quote]
Eyes are open now what?
I didn't read all of it but I do agree they never listen
I agree with what you have to say but... I also agree with the "desticles" (lel), the expectations for this game are too high. Its true that we did waste over $140 on a few (hundred) hours of "entertainment" that wasn't fun after the first few hours, but if you truly don't like the game, it is time to learn from our mistakes and move on. I myself am not spending anymore money In this game, bungie had their chance to impress me and they missed that chance. All we can hope for is for the player base to diminish to a point where bungie (and activision) starts putting more thought into the planning and development of future content. I share my xbox with my two younger brothers so my account will still be pretty active on this game. I myself have become extremely casual to this game because of college and finally getting off my ass and getting a girlfriend lol[spoiler]but yeah, the best thing we can do is just stop playing. It may not seem like it makes a difference, but if enough people do it, bungie will notice and act in it (for the better hopefully)[/spoiler]
Edited by BrutalDLX: 12/2/2015 6:27:48 AMDude... 1. It's just a game, chill. 2. Eat a Snickers. 3. This game is great, hundreds of hours of entertainment, so far and counting. 4. As you listed it seems you've hated most of everything about this game, so move on? Bungie isn't going to re-write the whole thing, just for you. 5. Sounds like you prefer story driven single player games. Maybe you'll have more joy playing those instead.
Edited by LordofChaos: 12/2/2015 10:57:26 AMBungie does listen but there is a difference between listening and capitulating and doing everything this pathetic community thinks needs to be done all the time or else..... Feedback never ever meant that your personal view about what needs to be done would ever be more important than anyone elses ever. So just because they do not cater to what YOU want or what specific players or groups want does not mean they are not listening and thinking things through. The game was NEVER going to be catered expressly to how one group or player or another wanted the game to be ever. Only IDIOTS ever thought that would be the case or ever will be. The players are not now or ever in control of the developers of any game ever. Nor will they ever be, they are only in control over how they spend their money and that is it. And yes the can silence you or anyone else, this is their forums they can delete/ban anyone they want and there is nothing you can do about it for you have absolutely no rights to these forums or the game but what they give you ever.
Some people(you) have an investment is seeing themselves as victims. I love the game, i'm not disappointed and nobody lied to me.
Bungie listens way too much and end up needing all weapons because of PVP scrubs
Then why do we have a giant shank boss. that was something we wanted in year1
This Guy went FULL Retard!
Almost every update has community influenced changes. Always have. There are way too many to list. Pay attention man.
Edited by Phunkr: 12/2/2015 2:35:12 PMBut they did listen: -We have in-game voice chat due to community demand -We have the ability to toggle our helmet in social spaces due to community demand -We have color blind options due to community demand -Xur is no longer our exotic gear upgrader due to community demand -Heroic Strikes have matchmaking due to community demand. But Nightfall should now have matchmaking since it no longer boots to orbit on a wipe which was the main reason for no matchmaking. Raid-like activities create too many complications for the current matchmaking system Don't pretend like Bungie [i]never[/i] listens. Edit: this reply is not a debate whether or not this content should have been included at launch. This reply is a rebuttal to OP, and many of the other posters on here, about content Bungie implemented due to community demand. The fact most people replying to me have almost no argument to speak of (besides telling me how this content should have been included at launch) means that you know I'm right. I'm also incredibly depressed at the number of people who desperately want to believe Bungie is actively malicious to them. Instead of spreading you asinine theories all over the forum, you could literally leave. Because you stay, I have to assume you are either masochistic because you seem to believe Bungie is actively hurting you or you can only get your rocks off by actively attacking the beliefs of everyone else.
Edited by Talonia_: 12/2/2015 4:14:24 PM*cries* bungie auto rifles are to op nerf or I quit Bungie- done auto rifles are now nerfed *cries* thorn and blade dancer are op nerf them Bungie- done hand cannons are nerfed and blade dancer is nerfed *cries* nightfall rewards suck Bungie- done higher light drops in the loot pool -blam!- you bungie you never listen -We have in-game voice chat due to community demand -We have the ability to toggle our helmet in social spaces due to community demand -We have color blind options due to community demand -Xur is no longer our exotic gear upgrader due to community demand -Heroic Strikes have matchmaking due to community demand. But Nightfall should now have matchmaking since it no longer boots to orbit on a wipe which was the main reason for no matchmaking. Raid-like activities create too many complications for the current matchmaking system Posted in another comment thought it deserved more recognition
How is cut content not new? We haven't played whatever they cut so it is new to us. People really think that every game ever played doesn't have cut content.. Lol. I'm by far a fanboy because I can name a numerous thing I hate about this game so please spare me your fanboy comments.
Dude it's just a game. If you don't want to play anymore then don't. I never intended to play just one game the next 10 years. It'll be what it is. I think the community puts so much pressure on the devs and then just bins off anything they do. One man's meat is another man's poison.
f [b]u[/b]ck bungie I play fallout and I encourage others to do so!
Bungie ARs are OP ARs get nerfed. Bungie we want other endgame content that isn't a raid. Prison of Elders. Bungie we want PvP based endgame content. Trials. Bungie hand cannons are OP. Hand cannons get nerfed. Bungie we want a better raid that Crota for the new DLC. Kings fall becomes largest raid to date. Those are things that I thought of off the top of my head. Bungie definitely listen to us. Does this game still have a way to go to be perfect? Probably. However you have to understand that the changes YOU want might not be the view of the majority of the community or they may not be easy/possible to change.
You know, I almost wonder if Destiny's lackluster launch wasn't intentional. Like this is how they wanted this entire game to operate. "Bungie, this game isn't good!" "Don't worry, we promise that DLC will fix it!" And then they release the DLC, and that fixes one problem, creates another, and leaves many other problems be. We complain again, and Bungie promises they'll do better next time. Now, I think that was more Activision's plan than Bungie's. Why? Because Activision bought their service in the first place. They bought the illustrious creators of Halo. Halo was a legend. Bungie can make legendary games. We know this and that's why we keep trusting that they'll do better: because we know they CAN. It keeps us hopeful. It keeps us playing. It keeps us buying. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm starting to believe less and less that I am.
You just literally mentioned every addition to Destiny including its release as a failure, yet you still play it, what does that tell you?