I figured I would say something about this, since half of the f[b]u[/b]cking community never cared to actually get aware of what is happening.
The people giving Bungie shit are doing good, but they're being ignored.
What happened to "raise your voice or be a face in the crowd"?
Feedback goes nowhere and I personally believe that it's complete and utter bullshit.
It's people like me that are trying to turn this whole thing around for the better, I've tried being polite about this shit, but I just can't do it anymore.
We've all been lied to, multiple times.
The problem is that nobody notices.
I don't want to stand by and watch this game go down, I really don't.
I want to see Bungie redeem themselves and I want to see it done fast.
I love what was, not what is.
You idiots have dug yourselves into a hole, and it just keeps getting deeper.
It's almost like you guys are praying that if you dig deep enough, you could find a nice flight of stairs to escape.
It's not gonna happen.
You know what I can't stand?
Being lied to, and being let down.
You know what's even worse?
Being lied to and let down, more than once.
There was no shortage of letdowns in with this game.
Just to name a few:
•The Dark Below
•House of Wolves
•The Taken King
•Certain Exotic Questlines
•Kings Fall Challenge Mode
Remember that thread I made about the Sleeper Simulant Quest a little while ago?
The one where I was pissed about how lazy it was "designed"?
I still remember before I actually got the gun, I got so many replies telling me that the quest wasn't over, how stupid I was for judging before it was fully seen, how I was jealous that I couldn't make a game like Destiny.
The next day?
Boy, sure made those guys look like idiots.
I've seen what happens with shit like this. Now I've had enough of the f[b]u[/b]cking sheep in this community.
[b][i]You blind and spineless asskissers are the reason this game is dying![/i][/b]
What about Challenge Mode?
Guess what a whole bunch of people think of it.
[spoiler]You guessed right;
A massive.
My problem with Bungie right now is that they never prove me wrong.
You know who always is wrong in the end though?
The fanboys.
I think you poor bastards have had enough.
Every time new content is announced, you swarm the forums in a buzz about how great it'll be and how haters are just idiots!
That's why Destiny is dying!
That's why content releases are almost always massive letdowns!
Bungie knows that the fanboys will keep chucking money at their screens, but they don't care.
You guys have been played like f[b]u[/b]cking fiddles and you don't even notice!
You need to realize how the original and awesome suggestions on the forums are put behind the nerf posts and swept under the rug!
When was the last time you saw DeeJ on these forums?
Not any time in the last month, I'll bet.
What does Cozmo do?
Gives the good posts the ol' "I'll tell the devs" and forgets about them.
Don't you people see?
Bungie doesn't care about us anymore!
Don't try to pin this on Activision either, remember that Bungie signed the partnership contract.
They know what you want, but they don't give one single f[b]u[/b]ck about us at all!
Even Luke Smith mocks the community for being a bunch of blind money-throwing sheep!
Bungie has no reason to go beyond expectations, because they know Halo already sealed their reputation.
Bungie can't ever prove people like me wrong, this game and any content involving it are all just massive letdowns!
Get it through your heads guys.
If we don't start setting standards and stop blindly throwing cash, this game will die for good and Bungie will be immortalized as "that horrible company that milked their loyal fanbase for years and then spat in their fans faces".
So I ask of you, community;
Have you finally had enough?
Are you with me?
If you are, I need you to spread the word.
•Copy/Paste this post wherever it seems appropriate to keep the cause alive
•Frequently use #BumpForTruth
•Stop pre-ordering, start waiting for reviews and gameplay.
They can't silence us if we have strength in numbers!
That's why I ask the help of those who're fed up with this treatment of the fans!
I'm bound to be hit with a swift Ninja-Banhammer swing any moment now, so I need you guys to take this torch and keep it lit.
A man alone can't change much, but if he rises with a team, change is possible.
Please, I'm counting on every last one of you.
Make Bungie understand what they're doing wrong.
Don't let them kill a game with so much potential.
[b]Raise. Your. Voice.[/b]
[b]Make. Yourself. Heard.[/b]
You just literally mentioned every addition to Destiny including its release as a failure, yet you still play it, what does that tell you?
Do you even lift bro?
Thank you! The only way Bungie will listen is if all of the ignorant people stop defending bungie. I love this post.
Is OP like ... Super popular or something? Am I supposed to know he posted a rant about sleeper simulant? Does OP offer anything other than anecdotal evidence, or opinions? This post is pretty lame, just another salty try hard who regrets having to pay money for a game they've put over a 1000 hours into ... Gosh, that is just a total rip off. 140 bucks for 1000 hours? Man. Oh noes! Time gated exotics! Now I actually have to keep playing the game to get stuff that I'm convinced that I want Oh noes! Challenge mode is so easy! Oh man, that sucks dude! But hey, at least those filthy casuals who can't make driends can get a chance at good gear ... Oh noes! Bungie liiiiied to me!!! Seriously, some realities are inescapable. Pre-ttk, crucible was an unstable and unbalanced mess. It's lots better now, and one can assume the developers are still sandboxing how to bring back all of our old exotics without breaking the game again. But god forbid we don't get to use fatebringer anymore. Oh shucks. That just rustles my jimmies. I think the only interesting thing I got out op's post is the ability to say f[b]u[/b]ck without getting -blam!-ed. Nice one OP.
Fuel beam can't melt steel jet
Holy crap. If you don't like the game, move along. It's a game, bro. You play it. Or don't. You're far too emotionally invested in this franchise if you really concern yourself to the depth at which this post reaches.
Edited by Jerm: 12/2/2015 3:53:56 PMBungie might not make the best moves sometimes, but they do listen. Way more than any other game developer. If you haven't noticed that then you're ignorant.
You set yourself apart from all other sheep players and spew insults on the rest of the Destiny community. Then you present yourself as the only voice of reason, the only one who can see the truth and knows what to do about it; are you god? You have an overwhelming sense of self-relevance! Don't you worry, there is no ban-hammer coming for you since nobody at Bungie cares what you have to say; isn't that sort of the main point of your rant in the first place? [quote]There was no shortage of letdowns in with this game. Just to name a few: •Release •The Dark Below •House of Wolves •The Taken King •Certain Exotic Questlines •Kings Fall Challenge Mode[/quote] You cite every iteration of this game as being a let down for you; well, fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you. I guess Bungie has been able to fool you six times per your own post. At some point you have to recognize, if you truly feel this way, that perhaps it is not Bungie fooling you, but rather that you may just be a fool! You do not speak for the community, which based on your post you hold in very low esteem. Do not think you can insult people and then ask them to rally around you and support you. If you don't like the game, then don't play it anymore; simple!
Guys just respect each others opinions, you don't have to like or agree with their opinion you just have to respect that's it's their opinion. Besides, its [u]just a game in the end[/u], who cares.
With any company it is impossible to appeal to everyone, Bungie included. Bungie does care for what the community thinks of them and they try pretty hard to keep that image, even by trying to cover up some of the nastier things they do. If Bungie didn't care, or listen, then they wouldn't try to fix the things people complain about, and I've noticed a bunch of changes from playing Destiny from time to time, some things I enjoyed, and others I missed (R.I.P. Dinklebot). I have noticed that Destiny has seemed like it was a big let down from what they could have achieved from it being none other than the Bringers of the Halo Generation.
All lives matter.
Edited by DraGonR1d3r007: 12/2/2015 4:54:52 PMSame I'm not getting the next dlc it's not worth the hassle of expecting good stuff but given utter bull-crap.
Bored. Muted.
Edited by Guardian1595: 12/2/2015 6:08:58 PMOf course there are some disappointments.... But I'll tell you what, I have never played a game this religiously since maybe Halo 3. Even Halo I got bored after a year. They are doing some things right.... Tell me what else you have played for a year and 3 months... Probably everyday Edit: So of course I realized there were other games people have played in this manner. It wasn't really a "Hey I bet you've never played another game like this!." My point is more of a "Listen, you have been playing this game religiously for a long so there is some light in this dark cave all you people point this out to be."
If everyone is raising their voices everyone is just a face in the crowd. The silent ones will be the ones that get listened to.
I can't open my eyes! All the salt hurts! :(
Your expectations are abit lofty buddy
Bungie heard everyone when they wanted stuff nerfed.
Lol no one cares anarchy you defunct system you
I would just call this guy a pve scrub, but considering what ive seen in pvp lately i can understand why not as many people pvp. https://youtu.be/prWK2P5ApqE
[b]Get it through your heads guys. If we don't start setting standards and stop blindly throwing cash, this game will die for good and Bungie will be immortalized as "that horrible company that milked their loyal fanbase for years and then spat in their fans faces".[/b] But we don't want this game in its current state, we what the game that was in the concept art.... http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2015/01/23/why-destiny-was-the-best-and-worst-game-of-2014/
You know theres nothing left but fanboys in this player base when a post like this gets nothing but hate. I loved destiny. But now it's just a let down. I'd love to see it come back strong but I just don't see that happening. I've run through several other games but always come back and check out what's new at the tower. With enough players like OP maybe one of theses days when I come back to the tower there will be something to hold my attention.
Well said.
They didnt listen to us when We did not like them patching killzones into the Templar Boss fight. We vocally expressed our concerns about them changing Atheon's "teleport 3 furthest Guadians bug" They did not listen to us when we asked them NOT to nerf the Mythoclast. We asked them to nerf the Suros Regime and they nerfed they entire Assault rifle weapon type. Dont even get me started on The Dark Below"s "made in 2 weeks" disappointment. We asked them not to nerf hand cannons, but they did anyway. Now we've come full circle in the nerf fest. Auto and Hand cannon are back? I remember seeing an exact thread asking for a simple Pulse rifle buff. None of this constant crucible meta game editing. And most recently we cried out about the horrible game we were left with, If we didnt buy TTK. No changes have been made.
Edited by jANNxd: 12/2/2015 4:02:28 PMWe'll said. Sad to see Desicles still in-denial