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Edited by mindhypnotized: 12/2/2015 4:26:36 AM
You didn't make a single argument here. Lots of nice flashy rhetoric, but no substance. We didn't need a novella for you to say something the means nothing more than "I'm disappointed with the game." What [i]specifically[/i] did Bungie lie about? You did nothing beside list some things that you weren't happy with, without explaining in any way why you were not happy with them. You say Bungie [i]never[/i] listens. And that is quite easily demonstrably false. It's impossible to deny that Bungie has tried to do several of the things that the community asked for. Some of those things they then took back, citing that it wasn't what they wanted for the game (e.g., we wanted Fatebringer to come with us, but then everybody only used Fatebringer everywhere). You might disagree with some of the things that Bungie is done, but you have to be more specific about what things and why. In order for you to say that Bungie isn't listening, [i][b]first you have to actually say something[/b][/i]

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