originally posted in:The Roleplay League
He didnt say anything he just looked at Autumn then at Vapor "I will not die. I will kill the daughters of oryx and bring your guy's freinds back."
"No need. I'll save you the trouble," Vapor said, his ghost dropping 4 tomb husks. "Again, I already tried."
"You didnt unlock them." He kicked the dirt in frusteration "I dont care anymore if there really is no way to save them I will just give up to!" He looked at Autumn "im sorry.... I guess Vapor and I both tried."
"It's... okay. I think I need time to just... think. I just wanted you to visit the tower at least one a week," Autumn said to Vapor. "I can do that," Vapor told her. "Ha. I just realized I'm the last person to know your real name," Autumn said, wiping away tears.
He sighed and looked out twoard the rocket yard not knowing what he should do.
"Goodbye, Autumn," Vapor said as he walked away. Duvanix thought he saw tears as Vapor ran towards the Rocketyard.
He ignored the tears he saw coming from vapors eyes. "Well that went worse than expected. Great. Now what?"
"SHIT! I wasted my time here, and haven't finished anything for the Vanguard!" Autumn said as she went to Orbit.
"Oh well then. Looks like its just you and me ghost." His ghost asked "are we going to kill another fallen walker. Or maybe a taken champion?"
[spoiler]so im tired of doing RP, and this seems like a good place to stop for the night.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]oh I thought u wuz gonna have vapor kill duvanix. U did ask for permission to do that.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]That was just in case things turned out differently. I'm content with how it turned out.[/spoiler]