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12/2/2015 4:47:26 AM
You just copy-pasted this from the Occupy manifesto, didn't you? This was nothing but empty platitudes. You've set a new standard for meaningless rhetoric. I lost IQ points just reading it. Don't try to tell me there's something "wrong" with the game I enjoy (especially if you can't actually come up with anything more specific than "letdowns"), and don't try to blame me because you're not satisfied. I'm sorry [i]Destiny[/i] doesn't rise to your evidently lofty standards, but your elitist ass can feel free to log out and not come back. Let me repeat that with my voice raised: [b]Your elitist ass can feel free to log out and not come back.[/b] [b]Did. You. Hear. Me? You. Arrogant. Hipster. Tool.[/b]

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  • LoL this Desticle caught it right in the feels. Right in the feels. We are laughing at you.

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  • Anyone who uses the word "Desticle" is a douchebag by default. This "we" you are referring to is a complete misconception you built up in your own pathetic head. He actually speaks from a valid point, but that requires someone with a half brain to recognize. Dont worry man, Im sure high school will help you mature.

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  • How many high schoolers do you know that have a law society designation and a successful practicing firm? Quality assumption on your part. Now I'm laughing at you. Not even going to bother with the rest of your shit attempt at personally attacking me!

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  • You are the one who chooses to "speak" like a middle schooler, so dont be surprised when you get treated like one. For someone as successful as you claim to be, you seem pathetic. Right in the feels.

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  • Hipster is the wrong word.

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  • Oh I hear you, loud and clear. You want to hear my problems beyond letdowns? How about poor design and balance issues? Cut content? Reskin after reskin?

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  • "Poor design and balance issues": You need to be specific. "Cut content": tell that fairy tale to someone who believes it. There's a Kotaku article that laid that debate to rest forever. Reskins: Let's look at real life and see how many firearms are a variant of either the AK-47 or the M-16/M-4 carbine; how many handguns are a clone of the M-1911 or the Beretta M92. Art imitates life. I'm willing to hear you out on 1 out of 3 issues. The other two I dismiss out of hand as without merit.

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  • DESTINY HAS MORE GUN VARIETY THAN ANY SHOOTER ON THE MARKET. So re-skin after re-skin really shouldnt bother you. They constantly rebalance the VAST amount of guns they have, so idiots like you can quit whining. (I miss Last Word being awesome btw). I think their design is awesome. Raids, I enjoy them. PVP, I am really good at it and enjoy it more than COD And HALO. Cut content, debatable. So much content already. No one or nothing is perfect. If you really wanted to help, you would list specific issues, not just that you were "letdown". I'm letdown that the voice of "anarchy" has such a weak stance. I'm all about improving Destiny, but you sir offer nothing to make it better.

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  • Edited by GHOST 9o5: 12/2/2015 9:27:23 PM
    You mean the 4 archetypes of each weapon type with random set perks?

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  • Edited by Guuundy: 12/3/2015 8:34:45 PM
    Pulse, Handcannon, Auto, Scout, Rocket, Machine Gun, Sword, Siderarm, Shotgun, Sniper. A bit more than 4

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  • Archetypes. Not classes.

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  • Edited by Guuundy: 12/3/2015 9:06:19 PM
    Care to give some examples...?

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  • Edited by GHOST 9o5: 12/3/2015 9:07:39 PM
    High RoF Auto Rifle Low RoF - Mid impact auto rifle Each primary and special roughly have 4 or less.

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  • That's pretty good variety. If that's not enough for you, what would you add?

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  • It is a pretty good variety. But to say that guns are "plentiful and vastly different" or anything like that is overboard.

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  • Dude there are so many different scouts, auto rifles, pulse rifles, snipers, shotguns, fusion rifles, hand cannons. Exotics/legendaries, awesome concept. Lets compare that to Halo where you have the human sniper, alien sniper, and maybe another alien sniper. Human shotgun, Alien shotgun, another alien shotgun. Destiny has a HUGE variety of gun selection. Besides Borderlands, which I have never played and I hear Destiny is a ramped up version of. Name a game that has more gun SELECTION than Destiny. Way more than COD, I can tell you that much.

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  • A few different skins and a change in stability or reload isn't really "a HUGE selection." Especially after the removal of Y1 Gear.

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  • Im talking guns, and all guns are still viable in crucible. You are leaving out different perks and rate of fire in your stability/reload equation.

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  • That's the point of archetypes.

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  • Ok so since you are so freakin fixated on archetypes, lets go ahead and dive in. Scout rifles: Full auto (Vision of Confluence). Semi-Auto (Almost every Scout). That about covers everything a scout rifle could be. Burst? single-shot? maybe. Pulse Rifles: Full auto (Any Pulse) Burst/semi auto (Any pulse). Handcannons: Full-auto (Last Word exclusive) Semi-auto (Every handcannon). Other potential HC archetypes, single burst charge? maybe. Hand cannon that shoots two bullets at once? maybe. Shotguns: Full auto (any). Slug: (select few). Semi-Auto (several). Other Suggested archetypes??? cuz im blanking and thinking Bungie got them all covered. Snipers: Single Shot (Every sniper). Full auto sniper could be added and would be amazing. So aside from adding a full-auto sniper what archetype is bungie missing? Auto rifles: Full auto (covered), slow and extremely fast full-auto (covered) My point to all this is THAT BUNGIE GOT THE ARCHETYPES COVERED. Unless you can give me a concrete archetype missing from this game, you really need to drop the whole "Archetype" act because it's getting old.

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  • Edited by GHOST 9o5: 12/4/2015 5:32:05 AM
    This literally had no relevance to my last reply. Literally. You said "You are leaving out RoF and impact you can't just say stability and reload" Yes, that's the point of archetypes. That's what they're are there for. That's why I left them out. Every weapon roughly has 4 archetypes concerning RoF and damage. They are also all used mostly in the same way. Shoot thing until it dies. There's scopes and everything and there is plenty if variety, but again, you can't go overboard. As far as I'm concerned, the raid weapons are the most diverse and can be considered "different" among each other.

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  • [quote]DESTINY HAS MORE GUN VARIETY THAN ANY SHOOTER ON THE MARKET[/quote] Er....... nope. Borderlands has it beat by a massive margin. [quote]PVP, I am really good at it[/quote] Titan K/D RATIO 1.58 Hunter K/D RATIO 1.81 Warlock K/D RATIO 1.73 You are really average at it. Those stats are nowhere near "really good".

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  • Edited by Guuundy: 12/2/2015 6:39:38 PM
    I looked into your characters which I rarely do and it seems you must be a awful at this game. Your hunter has a KD of 0.61 Your Warlock 0.63 (140 crucible kills LOL) Your titan 0.77 Good thing I dont judge someones skill at PVP off their KD, or I might get the wrong impression. With further inspection into your characters I can clearly see that each one is more sh1t than the last. Come back to me bud when you have actually played anywhere near the amount of crucible matches I have and you have had the chance to really "test your skill".

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  • I win rumble about 90% of the time I play it, and place top of the team overall in control about 85% of the time. If you are on 360 Id love to play you in rumble and maybe my KD wont factor in so much when I beat you.

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  • First you get salty and try to call me out in a video game and then you start with personal insults. I get it, you've got nothing of worth to say and that's all you have left. It happens to most teenagers, you'll grow out of it hopefully. In the meanwhile i'm going to block you. I've got 4 kids of my own to deal with, can't be bothered dealing with someone elses on the internet. Stay in school, learn things and broaden your vocabulary beyond "gay ass" then people may stop looking down on you as a pathetic mess with delusions of adequacy over pixels.

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