How it works:
You earn Vet Status once you have played or own the taken King.
You have referee status while you currently do not own the DLC.
Only Veteren players can invite referees.
Doing this correctly will get you the quest "a tale of two Guardian's" and some sweet exclusive loot!
[b][u]How this thread should work![/u][/b]
Post below if you are a Veteren looking to take a new The Taken King player under your wing.
Post below if you currently do not own the DLC but are going to purchase it and talk to a Veteren you find and sort everything out.
Edit: By all means, if you're a new player on PlayStation 4 then send me a message (same as name) and I'll set up a link for us :)
I'm free anytime
Xbox One: Hells Assailent Veteran looking for a referee. Message me on here to get in touch for this.
Looking to help a single virgin in the taken king n get some exclusive loot. XBOX ONE - player
Day 1 Vet on PS4 looking to take a newcomer under my wing i have all 3 characters with 318 light on all of them i will teach u all the goods on PVP and PVE any newcomers interested feel free to shoot me a message on ps4 and ill set everything up psn : vSDTv
Year 1 Vet that will help anyone; kids are welcome (xbox one)
Edited by cuongpow: 12/3/2015 10:57:34 PMYear 1 Vet willing to help anyone[PS4] cuongpow
Edited by Gh0stly Jet: 12/3/2015 10:47:57 PMXbox one vet looking for someone to refer. I am ready to help whenever. Gamertag is the same as my account name.
Looking for new player ps4! xX-SDotG-Xx
Edited by Isabella Electrum (Vtuber): 12/4/2015 12:24:09 AMgot it
I'm a a Veteran who has completed every raid on normal and hard. I'm looking for a referee who wants to have some fun! Msg me!
Hi (: I am a day one Veteran but I participated in the Beta as well, I am looking for a referee on Xbox One that would like someone to help them. Im on Destiny pretty often so I should be around to help, whenever you may need me. Feel free to message me on here or on Xbox (my gamertag is the same) x JadedDesire.
Edited by Neff415: 12/3/2015 10:25:26 PMVeteran since day1 looking for a referee add neff415. PS4
317 Hunter veteran looking for a new guy. I'm on XB1
Day 1 PS4 veteran. Looking for a buddy. 316 Warlock, 314 Hunter, 310 titan.
Ps4 veteran 293 light looking for veterans to join my fire team. PSN runfast
Need 5 for oryx cp hm 305+ Add OakTownCj3
Edited by Nicolas Cage's: 12/3/2015 10:01:13 PMVeteran looking for referee on PS4. Let's be gaming buddies!
Veteran player looking for a referee. GT: Vrentadax
Veteran Xbox One player looking for referee. Stargazer908 is my GT
Veteran looking for a referee add MONKEYS225K4 on ps4
Edited by MaikuM92: 12/4/2015 12:06:09 AMI have 3 characters all above 300 message me on Xbox One Gamertag same as top and click on this refer link thanks
Edited by reson8er: 12/3/2015 9:44:48 PM[b]PS4 Veteran[/b] (Have been playing Destiny since Alpha) and a Playstation gamer since PS1! Looking for a New Player to help out in Destiny! I am patient dude love to help others and willing to go at [b]your [/b]pace, be it fast or slow. I've done all content in the game and can offer as much or little advice as you'd like ([i]No Spoilers![/i]). Kindly click the link below if you think I can help. See you in game, Guardian! [url=][/url]
I'm a new player on Xbox One looking for some assistance, add We Love Aspect
316 ps4 vet looking for a referee add and msg Stripe5150
new player looking for a veteran on xbox 1
317 PS4 Veteran looking for a referee, willing to guide and power level you through everything PVE and PVP. PSN is Flow_etry, add me!