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Edited by xTGE: 12/3/2015 1:07:00 AM

Official Refer A Friend Thread!

How it works: You earn Vet Status once you have played or own the taken King. You have referee status while you currently do not own the DLC. Only Veteren players can invite referees. Doing this correctly will get you the quest "a tale of two Guardian's" and some sweet exclusive loot! [b][u]How this thread should work![/u][/b] Post below if you are a Veteren looking to take a new The Taken King player under your wing. Post below if you currently do not own the DLC but are going to purchase it and talk to a Veteren you find and sort everything out. Edit: By all means, if you're a new player on PlayStation 4 then send me a message (same as name) and I'll set up a link for us :) I'm free anytime

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  • Vet here looking to help someone new to do refer a friend quest! We both get cool rewards and I will take you through the whole game and anything that you wanna do! [quote]My link is[/quote]

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  • Hey guys, just thought I'd leave a comment to help any vets looking to find a referee. So I was just going on patrol, doing bounties, finishing missions, and farming materials. All of a sudden, a level 3 runs by and starts following me, watching what I'm doing. I check his grimoire score and it's only at 125, so I'm thinking okay, this guy must be new. So I invite him to a party and agree to help him progress through the regular story, now I've added him, and I'm teaching him everything there is to know about destiny, including everything he missed out on in year 1. Funny thing is, this dude is specializing in the same career that I am, and we're both from VA, so we have a lot in common to talk about! My point is, instead of posting on a forum that most people that are new to destiny don't even know about, simply hop in patrol a run around for a little bit while you do your bounties. Chances are you'll come across a new player, and chances are they'll be more than happy to accept your help. Hope this helps all the Vets and Sherpas out there.

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  • Member of Dads of Destiny, We help all people who need it. If you have had Taken King less then seven days, please use the link above to let me know you are in need of assistance. Good luck!

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  • Edited by MuEca_XIV: 12/4/2015 4:37:56 PM
    PS 4 Mu3ca_ Moin! Deutscher Hüter hier, alle Klassen auf 315+ 4740 Grimoire. Kenn mich aus, und Suche Neuling denn ich helfen kann.

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  • Xbox One vet here on all the time; will take a new guardian through; kids welcome. Lets go

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  • Edited by Kafka: 12/4/2015 3:16:42 PM
    Year one xbox one vet looking for ref gamertag same as above

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    2 Replies
    • Late Night Enforcers is looking for new members, and all we do is sherpa newbies! I personally am working 2 referees through right now, but always willing to add more. Others in our clan will do the same, just shoot us a message!. You can find us here or in our Facebook group! Main rule- have a sense of humor. After all, Why so serious?

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      3 Replies
      • Looking for a referee.... all characters 315+, got a 4740 Grimore and really just bored with the game and want to find a new challenge of helping someone ease into the Destiny community. HMU if you think you want to do this. My link is below.

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      • Looking for a referee to do refer a friend quest on ps4. I'm U.S. cst time zone & play evenings & will be on a lot this weekend. Add me on ps4 my psn is whiskey_49 & here's my

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        2 Replies
        • Vet here. Looking to guide a new person

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        • Happy to Help Someone New to the Game and looking to learn. Will also share Redbull Codes for XP Bonus. PS4 player here. Hit me up!

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        • Edited by gremlinzdj: 12/4/2015 3:53:55 PM
          Looking for a PS4 referee for the refer a friend quest. super patient and online a lot. add me: g-linz

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        • Edited by D1NNLYGNT: 12/4/2015 3:49:42 PM
          I am looking for referee on ps4 for the refer a friend quest and beyond, I am super patient and I just want to have fun with friends.

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        • Rob_Moss_84 Year 1 player looking for new player. Add me and we can sort something out

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        • PS4 players - Will link up with any new player who wants to. Pretty patient and willing to talk you through the ropes and explanations of game mechanics. And will definitely keep you on the friend list, not hang you up to dry. PSN: Elastas

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        • Hello, Welcome to destiny. If you need help feel free to message me and I will be more then happy to assist anyone. If you have played under 7 days, please use the referral link below to connect. gt same and I am on XBOX ONE. Thanks! [url][/url]

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        • I am looking for a new comer. I will buy the DLC for you. all u have to do is be my referee.SIMPLE. I wil use a prepaid credit card with only enough on it to pay for TTK DLC, after its paid for card will be void. Must meet all requirements <<I WILL ONLY HELP THE FIRST REFEREE THAT COMMENT ON THIS POST>> IF YOU DON'T WORK OUT OR IF I EVEN GET A WIFF OF U NOT TAKING THIS SERIOUS I WILL MOVE ON TO THE NEXT... >MUST BE AN ADULT< My LINK is:

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          1 Reply
          • Year 1 PS4 vet looking for ref

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          • Mature Gamer 30yrs old. Work from home so I can get online virtually at any time. If you are on Xbox one and just got the taken king. Use my code below and send me a message. We will link up bang out some quests and get some sweet loot.

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          • Edited by Pizza_Sloth: 12/4/2015 2:58:33 PM
            Xbox One Vet looking for a referee

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          • looking for friends to play destiny with psn:mehereonly ps4

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          • X1 Veteran looking for a referee, Australia Region preferred

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          • Edited by Veera: 12/4/2015 2:45:39 PM
            "New" On PS4 with a few days left for it PSN : SilentLatios Vet Status on Xbox One - Willing to help, GT is same as username here.

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            4 Replies
            • Year 1 Vet looking to help out. Platform: PS4 PSN: SkylineLvr

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            • year 1 looking to aid guardian ps4 [url][/url]

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            • I'm on XB1 and willing to help anyone new to the game. I can help with anything and have a good small clan to back me up for group activities. No one gets mad at anyone and we always have our fellow guardians backs. I've been on destiny since the beta so I know my way around. Feel free to message me here and I'll get back to you ASAP. I'm EST but flexible enough to help most times.

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