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originally posted in: Give us 7 Golden Gun shots
12/2/2015 2:01:00 PM
[quote]if we are saying all classes should be equal in effectiveness in pvp[/quote] Whose we? I didn't say that, ofc there's differences in classes that cannot in any way make them equal. That's your argument not mines. [quote]You can't say because it is a defensive class that means it is supposed to not be as good as gunslinger.[/quote] Actually I can say that... what part of defensive don't you get, their super is not meant to kill so it cannot be as good as a super that's meant to kill. That's common sense. Also ever heard the saying the best offense is a good defense, if used right defenders body. It should be 3 shots to pop... lmao. Let me give you a counterargument for that. You have bladedancers on one hand who don't have to worry about bubble at all, all they have to do is go inside and kill everyone.... but gg needs 3 shots to pop bubble? Lmfao yeah riiight.. if you're a decent player once you pop weapons of light (mind you, your bubble last the longest out of any super) you can straight body people. Also no other class is better together than two defenders, once you have several defenders working together it's near impossible to beat. So wth are you really saying? You can't convince me defenders are under powered that's ludicrous... they aren't, they're actually great for what their role is which is a [b]defensive[/b] role.

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