now imagine if you put this much effort into standing up for something that actually -blam!-ing matters.
Letting companies destroy an industry we love while making piles of cash doesnt matter?
How hyperbolic do you feel you need to be while attempting to force your view on others? Destroy the industry? Such a gross exaggeration
Clearly. Are you even paying attention?
That's an asinine question. How about addressing what I asked you. Your ramped up rhetoric has no sway on me. And the insinuation that I am not "paying attention" because I don't adhere to your view is just a lovely demonstration that you have no solid ground to back up your assertion. Shall I mute you now, or do you think you can muster up enough intelligence to present a logical argument? This "sky is falling and we must stop it" drivel is washed up.
Hahahahaha. This explains why you're in #Destiny. Keep your ignorance here and don't spread out.
Three chances to back up your assertion, didn't even come close. Bye peasant.
[quote]Baaaaaaaaaaaaah.[/quote] Sorry, I don't speak sheep.