Sick of these titans defending that hammer so closely. You wanna see an overpowered super? Give us two different perks that combined give us 25 seconds with 7 golden gun shots that when fired takes away 3 seconds per shot. Oh, and each kill regens health. Actually, we really don't even need that. Just the extra shots. And make Achlyiophage Symbiote give us three more. We'll see what the problem is then...
1gg shot is NOT AT ALL equal to one hammer.
Heres why...
-Golden gun has lots of aim assist(most in the game for a gun although it's debatable weather to call it an actual gun)
-Instant bullet travel (aka where you shoot is exactly where the bullet goes)
-You have perks that make kills explode, over penetrate, etc.
-On top of that the gunslinger class in general has perks like.. A ranged melee attack, gunslingers trance, chain of woe, etc to help out your neutral game while sunbreaker has NO perks like this.
-Hammer of sol has up to 7 hammers with forge master (and you have to rapidly throw them no running around in between) so realistically you throw about 4-5 hammers.
-With the sun spot perk you throw even less.
-You get health regen(which blade dancer
has) OR overshield in a sunspot, not both.
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