If you're trying to take on the hammer head on with golden gun, you're doing it wrong. I'm not trying to give tips or defend sunbreaker, but what I normally do when I encounter them with golden gun is wait for an opening to present itself---- even if it means sacrificing a few teammates. [spoiler] That my friend is the perfect shot both I and the quote refer to.[/spoiler]
I think you mean two "perfect shots"
Hammers specifically pop their hammer when they hear a golden gun and on top of that how would you know there's a opening? Once the hammer realizes you're their you're dead. Now maybe you can pop goldy when he hurt a little bit but most likely he will get a kill that gets health regen so in most cases it'll still take 2 bullets to kill him
Ok, now you're being unrealistic. If you can't pop off two shots in the time it takes for the super animation to finish, I wonder how well you fared against Bladedancers.
I never had a problem killing any super but hammer. That's the reason why I hardly ever lost a trials game when I played destiny
Well come on bud, we can't just get mad because a super kills us. I'll admit it I hate the hammer, and when it kills me I congratulate that person whilst cursing their families in my head like a good hunter would. I mean yeah the super is powerful and may need some tweaking, but other than that think of pve. I'd hate to see it become as useless as golden gun...
How can you congratulate a super that takes no skill? You hardly use your hunter in pvp so stop talking like you play every day
Edited by WHlTEG0ULD: 12/3/2015 6:36:12 AMHardly? It's the only class I pvp with.... Regardless, pvp time doesn't matter. I experience the same problems you do. I just know how to deal with them better than you do.
Lmao look at my pvp stats compared to yours. You really think you know how to handle any situation better than me? Lmfao you're a scrub. You have 800 kills with toe hunter in control which isn't shit. You're garbage get that kd up before you talk any pvp or atleast play more damn crucible. You're embarrassing the hunter race
I also don't understand how I'm embarrassing the hunter [u]class[/u], you're the one complaining and agreeing with the ridiculous notion of a 7 shot golden gun...
Cause you're talking as if you're even a little bit good at this game when you're trash lmao. You don't know anything about pvp
I like how you dodge the logic and go straight for the stats. Really says alot about how you can form a proper argument. I honestly don't give two fûcks about how you think something as irrelevant a single player's stats has to do with golden gun "needing" 7 shots. The only one who sucks here is you and unfortunately, it's not just at the game. I'm going to leave it at that. Good day friend.
Lmfao try going flawless or something scrub
Edited by WHlTEG0ULD: 12/3/2015 10:26:06 PM[url=http://i.imgur.com/VGe9Anu.png][/url] I guess there's a reason for the mute button after all.
Edited by WHlTEG0ULD: 12/3/2015 1:54:43 PMI meant mentally. But since your going to go the whole "my kd is highter than yours so your opinion is invalid" route, then fine. Notice how I haven't insulted since this whole argument started. [spoiler]Btw, if you base things like skill off of kd, but then turn around complain on the forums about not being able to beat something, you're obviously not as skilled as you think you are.[/spoiler]