If you had looked into my characters as you said you had then you'd know I played Destiny for about 80 hours and haven't played for over 7 months. I don't own the game any more so i'll never play the amount of matches you have.
I only ended up in this thread because someone quoted it somewhere mocking something.
That being said, I judged you on your KD because you said you were really good at PvP, your stats say otherwise. When I did play I was quite vocal in how bad I was, I don't play shooters, i'm an RPG gamer.
Either way, you aren't really good. You are an average player that thinks they are better than they actually are.
Edited by Guuundy: 12/3/2015 11:22:52 PMIt must be Skyrim and WOW haha. sad. You would also think a guy with 4 kids would have better things to do than browse the forums for a game he doesnt even own?? But what do I know haha. Hopefully you are not a welfare recipient taking hard-earned dollars from people who actually work. Too real? Too accurate? Im blocked, I guess we will never know.
Edited by Guuundy: 12/3/2015 8:32:28 PMWell i have to disagree, coming from someone who doesnt even own the game, it makes your opinion nearly invalid. Have you seen the movie Moneyball? It didnt work out to well for the good guys because they had a team strictly based off statistics and numbers. So much more needs to be factored in then just K/D. God you sound like one of those COD twats or one of those Trial of Osiris twats who say "checking K/D". Good riddance to you enjoy your "lame" ass Skyrim or World of Warcraft or whatever crap you play. Edited at an attempt to expand my vocabulary.