Hammers can get 7 hammers but only if they don't move and shoot as fast as the game will allow, under normal circumstances we throw 3-4 and run around trying to find more targets,
Hunters: 3 instant guaranteed kill hit-scan bullets
Titans: 5* arcing, slow, not guaranteed kill hammers
*5 is the maximum amount of hammers used in a typical super
Just laying down some logic for ya
I have never thrown under 3 or 4 hammers on my Titan when it's lasted the whole time.
This is a blatant lie.
And that is clearly your opinion. You have absolutely no idea how I use my Titan or any character for that matter.
Okay, you may only throw 3-4 hammers. That's your choice. I'm talking about the people that [i]do[/i] throw 7 hammers.
Edited by CapoBlue: 12/3/2015 1:17:59 AMGG lasts like 10 econds and HoS lasts over 20. Usually when you see a gg it means he just activated his super. When you see a HoS it means he/she activated a while ago. If the duration was decreased then it would be better and more strategic rather than activating it and then run around the map spamming hammers. Same with the SC, that super last a really long time.
It's not difficult to dodge a GG shot. The second one however...
We Titans can't blink, much harder dodging
Neither can a golden gun...
u can not spray and pray with the hammer and there is range dropoff and there has been for like 2 weeks now most of the ppl bitching have probably never even used the hammer
I have a Titan, and I've used the super (PvP). I don't see a cap on range at all.
Let me "lay down some logic for 'ya". 5-7 hammers 3 GG shots (4 with aclyophage) 5-7>3 (4 with helm in exotic slot) Tracking hammers Aiming gun Tracking>aiming Exploding hammers Exploding GG shots Exploding=exploding Fusion grenade Tripmine grenade Fusion>Tripmine SB: enough armor to potentially survive a GG shot and High-impact sniper. GG: Only super with no extra armor upon activation. Armor>no armor GG: instant, straight bullet. Barely any aim assist. SB: No aim assist, arcing hammers that travel at a high velocity. GG>SB GG damage falloff SB no damage falloff whatsoever GG<SB SB: Sunspots. Do I need to explain? GG: N/A SB>GG GG: Throwing knives (can set people on fire) SB: Melee that sets enemies on fire GG>SB SB: Health regen after [u]any ability kill[/u] GG: N/A SB>GG Sunbreaker: 9 points Gunslinger: 3 points Just proving a point.
Your logic is flawed. Tracking on GG would be redundant as there's no travel time; if you aim at someone and fire they cannot dodge. The golden gun obviously wins here. Trip mine is arguably the best granade in the game, you can stick it to players or objects. Trip mine is much better than fusion. And lastly, hunter agility vs titan straight line speed. The hunter give you the most satisfying movement; he can change directions quickly. This is really useful for cover. This is one of the reasons that makes the hunter more enjoyable to play. I would agree that both GG and arc blade need extra time to their supers; as it is now they feel too short.
Edited by remige: 12/3/2015 12:27:08 PMGolden gun has 3 (4) shots. It's an instakill. You can throw 7 hammers. It's a high velocity, flying, sunspot-leaving, 'tracking', explosive, hammer. A Hunter is all about agility. Of course we're fast. You can either run a Titan (raw armor) or run a Hunter (raw agility). It's negative both ways. A good gunslinger can kill 3-4 Titans, which is a very rare occurrence. A good Titan can kill 6 golden guns. (I cannot agree with you more that Hunter supers need at least 5 more seconds for use.) It may be that your logic is flawed.
Edited by ALBOBOSS: 12/3/2015 9:51:43 PMIt's possible that my logic is flawed as I'm not infallible; however you fail to point it out in your post. I targeted specific points in your post and pointed out their flaws. To recap your flaws in the argument: Hammer tracking is not greater than golden gun. See explanation on post above why tracking would be redundant on golden gun. Fusion granade is not greater than trip mine. One can only be stuck on your opponents while the other can be stuck anywhere making it much more versatile. As for speed, you can run a hunter on full armour and he would still be better then a titan when it comes jumping/changing direction while jumping. You claim that a hunter is supposed to be agile and I agree, just as a titan is supposed to be "tanky".
[quote]Hammer tracking is not greater then golden gun. See explanation on post above why tracking would be redundant on golden gun.[/quote]Golden guns don't track. Never once have I stated that Golden Gun should track. [quote]Fusion granade is not greater than trip mine. One can only be stuck on your opponents while the other can be stuck anywhere making it much more versatile.[/quote]Tripmine grenade, if anything, is one of the most difficult grenades to use. Therefore, it grants much more damage. It takes planning and precise place meant to get a kill with a Tripmine. You can legitimately kill yourself with Tripmines I you aren't careful enough. Sticking somebody means the grenade could kill you as it detonates on the enemy. If you wait too long, the Tripmine will automatically detonate. If you're close enough to it, you can die. With a fusion grenade, you toss it in a general direction and it'll stick to the target. The only way to get it off is to use blink. A Tripmine emanates a laser. A [b]giant [i]red [u]BEACON[/u][/i][/b]. You can shoot the Tripmine and detonate it. You can't kill yourself with a fusion grenade unless you're standing inside of it. [quote]As for speed, you can run a hunter on full armour and he would still be better then a titan when it comes jumping/changing direction while jumping. You claim that a hunter is supposed to be agile and I agree, just as a titan is supposed to be "tanky".[/quote]On that point, you can max the agility on a Titan and skate around the map with the jump that makes you move faster. Hunters have higher base agility, and Titans have higher base armor. As a Hunter, you wouldn't be able to reach the armor total that Titans have, and vice versa. My fingers hurt.
I don't think you're understanding me. In your original post you mention that HoS is better than GG because the hammers track and golden gun doesn't. GG does not need to track; there's no dodging golden gun if aimed correctly. It's an instant kill. With all granades you risk the chance of dying if you're close to the detonation. I can say one thing for sure; I'd much rather use the trip mine than the fusion. Yes titans can skate but very few know how to. Even if they skate, once they are mid jump they are hopeless bullet sponges where as a hunter can change direction mid air. What I'm saying is that I think a hunter is a much better choice for pvp, save for the super. That's why most of the top players prefer it over other classes.
Right because clearly it is the Hunter supers that are OP Golden Gun: 3 one hit kills with about a 10 second span in which to kill with no overshield and no damage reduction whatsoever Arc Blade: must be at point blank melee range, with minimal damage reduction, takes 3 consecutive hits to down a Stormtrance super. Shadowshot: 1 tether which does not deal impact damage enough to down any super in one shot, (that is, except Golden Gun, another Hunter super) which has about 10 meters' range and has a delayed action release, or 3 shots which have less than half that much range and deal the same pathetic amount of damage. Hammer of Sol: 6-7 instantly homing grenades a nd horseshoes rocket launcher rounds, with Armor so absurd that only 2 exotics can down them in one shot (sleepers simulant black spindle) And any damage you might deal to then becomes completely arbitrary if they kill you (Cauterize) But no, you're right... It is CLEARLY the hunters that are Overpowered.
7-5 tracking is so low it's not viable and gg has no damage falloff unless you are shooting across the patrol map of Mars
Which means it clearly has damage falloff, and you're exaggerating on the distance
At a range you shouldn't use gg
Shores of Time. You know where that big opening on B flag is and that one rock that people use for cover to snipe on C flag? Yeah will just letting you know that it cannot reach that far and Shores of Time is a small close quarters map.
Edited by remige: 12/2/2015 9:16:12 PMHammers [i]don't have any falloff[/i]. My experience with GG was on the map with the vex aesthetic with the cube in the center emanating blue lines. 157 damage cross-map shot from the sniping hallways on each end of the map. And yes, tracking is viable enough to where if you can get a hammer close enough, it'll magnetize towards them. You can't spray and pray with GG. You can with Sunbreaker. Just admit it.
The hammer of sol ROF is like half of golden guns, I have no idea why you experienced damage falloff with gg but from my experience using it there is none
[quote]Hammers [i]don't have any falloff[/i].[/quote] Wat
They don't. There are lots of videos on YouTube where people have thrown hammers cross-map and received kills.