Out of the list? Norfleet. But...... I'm going to go [i]way[/i] out here for this. The old mobile game "Battle Bears: Royale" was a class-based PvP game. One of the classes was Demolition, and all of his attacks did some sort of splash damage. He had an powerful, hard-to-get primary weapon called the Dark Matter, which launched a slow-moving orb that travels in a straight line and explodes on the first thing it contacts. In the equip menu, there were to slots reserved buff certain stats. Ex) dmg+1/dmg+2 def+1/def+2 splash dmg+1/splash dmg+2 So back before they patched it, you could add a splash damage +2 on both buff slots, which made demo's Dark Matter a one-shot kill to any enemy in the game, and since the weapon has zero falloff and a straight projectile pattern, infinite ammo, decent reload, on top of the class being second overall in health, it was easily one of the most overpowered setups in the game. That game was so fuсking unbalanced, there were 3-4 setups that could one shot and outmatch any other option. It was still fun to play with friends, though.