7-5 tracking is so low it's not viable and gg has no damage falloff unless you are shooting across the patrol map of Mars
Which means it clearly has damage falloff, and you're exaggerating on the distance
At a range you shouldn't use gg
Shores of Time. You know where that big opening on B flag is and that one rock that people use for cover to snipe on C flag? Yeah will just letting you know that it cannot reach that far and Shores of Time is a small close quarters map.
Edited by remige: 12/2/2015 9:16:12 PMHammers [i]don't have any falloff[/i]. My experience with GG was on the map with the vex aesthetic with the cube in the center emanating blue lines. 157 damage cross-map shot from the sniping hallways on each end of the map. And yes, tracking is viable enough to where if you can get a hammer close enough, it'll magnetize towards them. You can't spray and pray with GG. You can with Sunbreaker. Just admit it.
The hammer of sol ROF is like half of golden guns, I have no idea why you experienced damage falloff with gg but from my experience using it there is none
[quote]Hammers [i]don't have any falloff[/i].[/quote] Wat
They don't. There are lots of videos on YouTube where people have thrown hammers cross-map and received kills.
They can throw hammers across the map, but definitely not straight. You would have to be very skilled or get lucky.
Exploding Tracking AOE-leaving Hammers [b]Skill?[/b]
If you are hitting folks across the map it is.
You can't do that with a Golden Gun shot.
You must be lacking a thumb then
No, bullets don't curve! Are you f*cking stupid? That was in insult to all the thumbless people out there.