originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Autumn woke up around 6:30. She got ready to head out for the day, and noticed a message from Duvanix.
[i]I won't be able to do anything with you today, I went to Mars.[/i]
Autumn was sort of upset, but shook it off. [i]At least I get to spend the day alone,[/i] she thought.
"Hey Ikora, what do I need to do today?" Autumn asked Ikora.
"You can just patrol, kill a boss or two. I'm really busy right now," Ikora said, trying to get her to leave.
[i]I'll just patrol Mars, maybe I'll bump into Duvanix,[/i] she thought, heading to orbit.
"Ghost tell me how many cabal are on that tank?" His ghost scaned "around 4,345 cabal are in that tank." Duvanix sighed. "Great. But I need the light buff from this so I can beat oryx for good so I have to do this and get the 320 exotic." He headed up to the tank.
"Ghost what quest do I have that I could finish on Mars?" "You need to farm Relic Crystal for an Exotic sword, and find a Warsat for that Fusion core you found," her ghost told her. "So then, waiting around doing patrol missions and picking up relic iron until a warsat shows up. Sounds like fun," She said sarcastically.
His ghost looked at him "this is a bad idea Duvanix. You cant fight them all." Duvanix ignored his ghost and kept creeping up on the cabal. A psion group had spotted him and alerted the rest. The centurions began firing at him and the explosions could be heard throughout the entire area "I told you it was a bad idea!"
"Fuucking Finally. Only 9 more relic crystals to go," Autumn said, getting on her sparrow and heading into the buried city. "This would be so much more fun with Duvanix."
Duvanix hid behind a rock as the explosions tore away at it slowly his ghost said "I told you so. You shouldve brought Autumn." Duvanix sighed "I didnt want her to worry!" He peeked over top and sniped a centurion in the head with black spindle.
""I give up. I think I'm losing my mind out here farming this stuff. Ghost, message Duvanix and ask where he is."
His ghost beeped and Duvanix asked "what was that?" "Uhhhhh nothing. Autumn isnt on mars looking for you or anything." Duvanix shot another centurion "shes here? She cant know that im trying to get enough light to beat oryx." His ghost replied "ummmmm too late. I already sent the message."
Autumn read the message Duvanix's ghost had sent. "If there's one thing I don't like about you Duvanix, it's that you throw your life away for me," Autumn said, heading to the land tank.
He knew she would be mad. "Ghost. Tell her why im trying to kill oryx. Its not for her freinds. I tried everything. This is so we can be rid of that demon so he wont cast his shadow on us anymore. So we can have a normal life for the time being." His ghost sent the message. Duvanix threw a smoke and shadestepped past the collossus that was headed for him and headed for the entrance of the land tank
Autumn reached the entrance of the land tank. "New message from Duvanix," her ghost told her. Autumn read it and sighed. She saw Duvanix coming out of the land tank.
He saw her headed for him and felt guilt wave over him. His ghost said "wow you pissed her off." He walked out to her hoping she would understand.
"So why didn't you let me come with you?" Autumn asked, crossing her arms.
"I didnt want you to worry about me so I snuck out and tried to do it on my own." His ghost interuppted "I didnt end well"
Well, in case you haven't noticed, I've gotten up to 310 light, so I think I can take care of myself.
"I know. Its not that I dont think you can handle yourself. I know you can. I just didn't want you thinking I was risking my life for you all the time so I didnt tell you. Im sorry."
"Well, if you don't tell me that's what I'm going to assume. Just... take me with you, it would have been better than what I was doing before."
Edited by A RARE SPYCRAB: 12/3/2015 3:27:38 AM"ok I will next time. I really am sorry." He started cheering up a bit as the tensions started clearing
"So, what do you want to do now? Actually, scratch that, what were you doing?"
"I was trying to buff my light by getting a 320 from here."
"Well, let's go then," Autumn said to Duvanix walking into the landtank.
"No no no. Now that you're here I dont want to do that. I have an idea. But we cant do it on mars lets head back to that tower we spent the night in running from the fallen."
"Okay, as long as it's with you."
"Ok then lets head to old new york then." He headed to orbit and then set course for old new york.
Autumn and Duvanix landed in old New York. "So what are we going to do?"
Edited by A RARE SPYCRAB: 12/4/2015 2:55:35 AM"I found a song and I want you to hear it. Youll like it but we need to get to that tower for the connection ok." He headed for that tower he spent his first night as a guardian. He wispered to his ghost "Ghost get ready to play we won't be alone" hisghost wispered back "she'll love it."