originally posted in:Art and Stuff
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[b]What the heck is this?[/b]
A few years back, Helveck collected signatures of dozens of community members via uploaded pictures, pasted them into a cheery big card, and sent it to Bungie! (who promptly stuck it on their mantle). Last year I did the same with his blessing, [url=http://i.imgur.com/JMqtxKy.jpg]collecting nearly 70 signatures[/url] and sending them off to Bungie. We got word back from our contact on the inside that the card was greatly appreciated :)
[b]How do I help this year?[/b]
Create a signature for yourself, upload it to [url]http://imgur.com/[/url] and then post a link to that image here. try to make sure it will be legible when squished down so it fits on a page with 8-10 other sigs (so roughly no bigger than 4x8cm, 2x4in)
You can also submit an Christmas doodle or short comic related to both Bungie Inc. and the holiday season, just keep it classy and PG-13 or cleaner. I'll be adding any art/comics made to the inside of the card in unique ways, probably scrapbook style.
Short, cheery messages are also permitted, keep it under 140 characters.
[b]What does the card look like?[/b]
Updates on that soon, it's an old-ish hardcover book with pages about the size of standard letter paper, I've already cut designs into the fabric cover, I just need to figure out a good binding scheme and paint the outside with some festive sparkly colors.
[b]Deadline for signatures?[/b]
December 12th! Get on it, lads and lasses!
I kept mine from last year since I was late.