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This is the reference page for all vehicles graded higher than a standard human bus.
Edited by Robot745: 12/3/2015 5:48:19 PMMechanized Battle-Suits RR39-"Linebreaker" http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_VRm3edgusok/TP3lzuIf1xI/AAAAAAAAAX8/X5mSbO9geZk/s1600/Fear%2Bthe%2BFiddler%255B1%255D.jpg ARMANENTS: 5mm rotary cannon, .50 caliber semi automatic cannon, frontal appendages. GRC battle suit- Rarely used in current frame of time T15Z-"Bunker Buster http://www.digital-art-gallery.com/oid/48/640x636_9376_Paragon_Mech_2d_sci_fi_mech_robot_picture_image_digital_art.jpg ARMAMENTS: 5mm rotary cannon, 6 .308 canons URNA battle suit- Rarely used in current frame of time Helicopters Z31-Type 5 "Blackwing" https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7018/6803081847_6809fc480e_b.jpg ARMAMENTS: 3 Anti-Infantry cannons, Anti-Air missile rack, Missile pods-capable of both anti infantry and vehicle operations URNA/GRC both make use of this long standing model 5-30C "Iroquois" https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ba/cf/c0/bacfc0128d6dc0a3def787caecae491e.jpg ARMAMENTS: 2 mounted light machine guns on the doors URNA transport helicopter T9-51 "Sunfire" http://preview.turbosquid.com/Preview/2014/05/25__20_25_59/helicopter_01.jpg85ebdd11-4a9d-46f7-bb26-288e1f4e49d2Original.jpg ARMAMENTS: Under mounted .308 cannon, 2 side mounted light machine guns on the doors GRC transport helicopter Tanks and other armored vehicles MK 45 "Thunder" http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/groups/1/3/2074/thumb_620x2000/Futuristic_3.jpg ARMAMENTS: 130mm cannon, Pintle mounted .50 caliber machine gun URNA main battle tank Type 470 "Dragon" http://www.cgfeedback.com/cgfeedback/attachment.php?attachmentid=15048&d=1347402046 ARMAMENTS: 130mm battle cannon, Pintle mounted .50 caliber machine gun GRC main battle tank T-793 ARACH http://img04.deviantart.net/5823/i/2013/240/3/7/decimal_spider_tank_concept_by_neisbeis-d6k1gu3.jpg ARMAMENT: 130 mm cannon, 2 forward facing rotary 5mm cannons, side mounted missile pods Watercraft C-394 "Yangtze" http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/301/5/7/carrier_battleship_by_waza8i-d31phcq.jpg ARMAMENT: Multiple anti battleship grade cannons, conflicting Intel, anti aircraft guns GRC carrier ZZ-345 "Mastodon" http://i60.tinypic.com/2mg8ub5.jpg ARMAMENT: Multiple anti battleship grade cannons, conflicting Intel, anti aircraft guns URNA carrier All pictures are the rights of their owners and provided by google images.