PS4: adema360
I'm a 29 year old programmer and dad. I've got a lvl 315 warlock and titan and a 314 hunter, and I've logged over 1000 hours in play. I've run the all the raids normal and hard numerous times. Usually pretty willing to help when I'm not busy with the family and what not I'm on most days and am willing to help with raiding dailies night falls and general leveling and tips and tricks for the game. I've got a grimoire score of 4645 and still working on raising it (mostly just a bunch of pvp I need to work on), if you want help and also are new to the game feel free to add me on PSN.
Here is my referral code: [url][/url]
Im a veteran looking for a person to do the quest with so if you if you're looking forward into doing add me and I'll leave my code here