I suppose it is okay with me. I cannot say I am not dissapointed. We honor loyalty, Guardian. No amount of weapon parts or motes can make up for that. However, if you still swear loyalty to us, I will continue to keep your records and rank within the New Monarchy. I will hold onto your badge until you come back.
Sorry, i didnt enjoy it, i personally think theyre freaks, i only joined to maybe rank up a bit so i could learn a few things since theire lik "masters of war". I learned much more from you. I apologize
Edited by Executor Hideo: 12/3/2015 4:51:40 AMThey want to fight in a war. That doesn't mean their good at it. All Guardians have preturnatural gifts for battle. Most of them know as much as you do. It's the strategies behind those skills that will win this war. The only person you could really learn something from that you don't already know would be Lakshmi-2. If Im not mistaken, you could just ask her here.
Yes, i have learned my lesson now, i also just love the hangar and they have the best view of it. I feel so out of place there. But at least i didnt join DO, the only reason i would ever join them would be for hung jury, since you dont have a scout rifle
I am well aware of Dead Orbit's prized scout rifle. The "Hung Jury," or should I say, Jurification XIII. They stole our shipments, forged the contracts, and literally [u]stole[/u] our scout rifle after [i]we[/i] already paid for it in advance. I am... quite upset.
Out of the City? No. Remove them from the Tower? Yes. Arrest their criminal leaders? Yes. I hope to deal with Arach Jalaal personally.
That would be fun. I want to tear that asshole limb from limb. Or even better, feed him and all his upporters to the fallen...
Edited by Executor Hideo: 12/3/2015 5:24:50 AMIm not going to lie... That seems a little harsh.
Why? Theres not as much as the war cult or us? It wouldnt put a dent in the city since most are hovos anyway
Edited by Executor Hideo: 12/3/2015 5:39:03 AMBut murder? It seems a little rash. In self defense? Of course. We had to extinguish a many a Guardians' light at Bannerfall when fighting the Concordant, but Dead Orbit does not pose a threat. A large annoyance? Yes. A problem that must be dealt with? Yes. A threat? Hardly. In fact, given time, they will probably leave on their own. And when they come crawling back, we will watch as they struggle to survive on their own, then kill off whatever they dragged back with them. You see... They have wasted enough time and resources as it is. Why waste more getting rid of them if they're going to get rid of themselves? We should let them leave. The City is better off without them. If they stay, or come back, they will have to answer for their crimes. It will be up to the Justicars as to what fate awaits them if it should come to that...
The problem with that is they would leave, and come crawling back with all their resources gone. And if wefed them to the house of kings, they would fight back, they may be cowards, but they can fight, and if they all fight, they weaken the fallen, by doing so we could launch a full scale assault on the fallen on earth,and take back our legacy, dead orbit would have sacrificed itself for the very planet they were trying to leave! Oh the irony!
But they would have no resources to fight with. Besides, it is much more likely that they perish out in space. I've heard that when they flee, they do not intend to come back.
Well what good would that do us? And i meant they could take all their stuff eith them
Yes, but they would exhaust all their resources in space. Regardless, it wouldnt serve us a purpose other than to be rid of them.
Ugh, we need those weapons though, and i dont want some stupid DO paint on it
I know... Just a little longer. .
Cant. Wait.
Don't do anything rash.
Why not?