Nerf this crap. Burn is too long, health chunk on ignite is a little too much. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE SOOOOOOOOOOOOON. Please up if you agree to any of this.
I main a warlock and I think Viking funeral and touch of flame should be in the same perk slot.
Yeah, Viking Funeral and Ignite perks are f***ing monsters.
I don't think it's all that powerful, there are better grenades. I will admit that it's probably the most obnoxious grenade. Any burn damage doesn't really belong in PvP if you ask me, it takes the player out of the game for too long and bores them.
Yeah we're pretty awesome (Two warlocks)
Edited by Szeth6678: 12/5/2015 10:01:39 AMWould you rather we just put on Voidfangs and double 'nades and either K0 you with two firebolts or stick you with fusions?
Already been nerfed so stfu.
You know what? You're absolutely right. In fact, why stop there? Just take away the warlocks grenades. And the burn on their melee too. That's op. As well as flame shield. Also, radiance is op make it so that you have 10 health when you self res. Or automatically die when you res. I like where your heads at man
Each class has some sort of ranged grenade. Nothing needs to be changed at all.
I think it's fine
Edited by Nixne: 12/5/2015 12:37:41 AMPLEASEEEEEEEE SOOOOOOOOOON Shut the -blam!- up. Please up if you agree to any of this.
I feel like grenades should all be nerfed. In the sense that accuracy should play a part in their effectiveness. So for instance firebolt, the damage is based on how far the target is from where the grenade lands.
Well then go ahead and chuck a glitch on warlocks and titans for a little while where we get our super from our grenades without actually having to kill anyone ;)
You just don't like it because your a hunter
But. I like my firebolts and touch of flame.
Sounds like you've never heard of arcbolt with lucky raspberry
Only thing I agree with is your a scrub
It was already nerfed jackass
Hush little baby don't you cry.
There should an exotic piece of armor that cancels all Burn effects that would be cool And useful.
Ignite, and extra damage from burn are both subclass abilities. The grenade by itself is just fine.
Just wait for armarmentarium incendiaries.
Why don't you just hammer of Sol them? Oh wait... C:
Better than fusions those things f*ck you up.
They don't need to nerf it, they need a way to counter the burn.
It was already nerfed PoS noob.