Tell Santa what your wishing for !! What do you want or to bring back in destiny!?? Have you been naughty or nice this year?
Gonna sound weird, but I really want a year 2 thorn. I love it so much, now for pve more than PvP..... The new handcannons don't offer the luxury of damage over time as well as piercing rounds.
Astro A50 headset. Then again, i'm buying it by myself.
All of the good year 1 exotics.
Super Good Advice(or truth/dragons breath) Never got em y1 :(
Santa isn't real. He's just your parents.[spoiler]I'm not sorry[/spoiler]
To make challenge mode more challenging and bring fate bringer back
You smell like beef and cheese, you don't smell like Santa.
all the cut content
I'm sure someone else has said this.. But a year two icebreaker.
All year one purps OR VANITY/TRANSMOG SLOTS.
I got a Secret Handshake last year. I loved it until the day it died. Now I'm a jaded old widower who doesn't want another wife.
Old raids to be worth something again.
[spoiler]sc00by to d00by d00 me.[/spoiler]
Flawless trials with my boiis
Private games
To make destiny 2 better and then I'll be back
This game to become what it can be
- two front teeth!
People to stop crying Nerf for everything.
Edited by Guardian4197: 12/4/2015 3:26:54 PMFallout 4. Star Wars battlefront. Oh and don't forget the hippopotamus!
Gjallahorn year 2
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth.
Edited by Shadowjack: 12/4/2015 1:45:31 PM310 exotics in a few slots to infuse everything over 300. That or more time and better jumping skills for raiding King's Fall.
Elemental primaries