I have been playing Destiny for quite a while, and I have noticed its - at places massive - shortcomings and Bungie's unwillingness to deal with these in a thouroughly positive and constructive way.
I have been trying to figure the motivation behind this. It took me quite a while, but I think that I am now having a picture of what is really going on here.
Bungie's main goal is to make as much money as possible with Destiny. Their goal is not to make players satisfied or happy with their game. Their goal is to hook them to the game and make them come back whenever they are selling another expansion. If you follow the breadcrumbs by reading the proper posts and online articles, you will notice that Bungie is optimizing the incentive given to Destiny players to expose that behavior by exploiting behavioral research and fine tuning Destiny to make the best possible use of it by gathering statistical data about player behavior and habits in this game.
This is why loot drops work the way they do, why you usually get bad loot, why some loot is very hard to come by, and why Bungie rather fixes bugs that make things for players too easy than fixing glitches that break the game for players.
The reality behind Destiny as an industry product is cold and brutal, and players are feeding it with their time and money.
I think it is out of the question that a computer game has to offer the kind of rewards and reward mechanisms Destiny is offering. However, imo these should be just a part of a bigger gaming experience, the spice on a meal consisting of healthy ingredients. In Destiny, these rewards are the core of the game, and the way they are exploiting the human mind has a strong tendency to turn the gaming experience into a laborious grind instead of an enjoyable experience. This is emphasized by the tendency Destiny has to draw out its grinds and the fact that the design of Destiny is to reward players by getting some hopefully good loot at the end of the grind, and not by offering entertaining and diverse ways to acquire such loot. I have found myself playing Destiny far beyond the extent where I found it to be entertaining, relaxing and fun, and where it became a simple matter of forcing myself through it just to finish some of the challenges it offers for the n-th time to hopefully get some good loot - loot the only purpose of is to make playing through the same challenge the next time for even better loot easier. I am talking about the Oryx raid here - the single high profile PvE end game activity Destiny offers, because the others have been sent to oblivion in order to make players purchase the next expansion.
I would like to illustrate this by comparing Destiny to Borderlands, which imo is a fantastic game with a rich game world, well thought out reward system and a great story with interesting protagonists making that game world come to life. Playing Borderlands is fun because it offers so much game lore just while playing, has so many different characters and locations, so many twists in its plot, and because the plot gives sense to the player actions and involvement in this game world. It is enjoyable to just play through Borderland, visit all its places, meet all the "people" in it, and unravel its story. Compared to that, Destiny is bland and hollow. Its lore is a mix of hardly connected, confused pseudo philosophical nonsense (yeah, I have read all the grimoire and tried to figure the meaning behind the pompous trash literature it is - the kind of literature an amateur would come up with whos self image as a writer is in no relation to his gift of story telling, or rather the lack thereof).
However, the real problem I am seeing behind this is the cold, unrelenting business calculus behind this. In my opinion, the driving force behind Bungie / Activision, the people in charge, lack acceptable ethics. It is ok for them to exploit people the psychological and mathemical/statistical way Destiny does. There's no law against it, and there's a lot of money in it. The sad thing about this is that a morally intact person doesn't need regulation by laws, but obviously the moral compass of the people in charge at Bungie / Activision is broken. This is exacerbated by Destiny so shamelessly replacing content and quality with psychological tricks to make players keep playing and returning to it.
Bungie / Activision give a flying crap about whether you actually enjoy Destiny or not as long as they can make you come back and wave your tail while drooling in front of the food bowl for more, by exploiting and manipulating your psyche.
In my opinion this is hubris.
TL;DR: Destiny is a treadmill, and it is on purpose and by design, to exploit the human brain's reward system to the max with the goal to hook players to the game and come back and pay more for it when the next expansion is released.
Edited by ghodzila: 11/19/2017 10:01:04 AMAs the Editor of a major news website with over 30 million unique monthly users that also covers online gaming, I will say this is one of the most honest reviews of Destiny yet. The issue for me is the same issue described by the original poster; Bungie's lack of ethics, morals and honesty. It shows in the arrogance of their developers when they speak to the public and refuse to give any real information about the future of the game, and their lack of ethics was displayed for all the world to see in their epic mistreatment of composer and Bungie Director Marty O'Donnell. While there is nothing wrong with making a profit, it is still possible make money and design a great game. Destiny 2 was rushed to market before it was ready, and everything players loved about Destiny 1 in year three was tossed aside. The ugly smirk on Luke Smtih's yap mocking the lore and suggesting that the Exo Stranger and Mara Sov would make good cosplay characters was the equivalent of spitting in the faces of every dedicated Destiny player. He made it quite apparent that the people at Bungie have zero respect for the people who play this game. Bungie has made it clear they are willing to toss aside everything players love about Destiny and rewrite the story anytime they please without any concern for consistency, continuity, or cannon. This, combined with the fact that they actually released Destiny 2 in the same atrocious state as Destiny 1, was just a giant middle finger to everyone who paid for this game. The fact that they expect us to let them get away with short changing us twice by releasing a game with no end game and insufficient content shows they simply think the people who buy their games are suckers. We have one way and one way alone to change Bungie, and that is with our wallets. I will never pre-order a Bungie or Activision product again. From this day forward, they will have to earn my money. Everyone who loves online gaming should do the same.
not to be a ass-hat but wasn't that been made clear for quite a wile now? the $$ grabbing thing i mean
The sad thing is that this game had the potential to be truly great. Bungie took the low road and turned it into a pretty looking yet not worth your time grindfest.
Yep. It's a freaking RNG Las Vegas hamster wheel with Skinner box design. Scary garbage to keep players like addicts
Edited by SKILES85: 12/4/2015 1:10:24 AMGreat post! I finally got to the point where I wasn't having any fun with destiny. Most casual gamers would never buy a game like WOW because it's a known life waster. It feels like destiny tried to slowly ween us into exactly that type of game. Thankfully, ttk was bad enough to break the cycle. I like completing things. Having 50 weapons and items that still needs to be infused drives me nuts and I don't care to use 304 weapons when 320 is the max lol. The part I don't understand, is the idea that people wouldn't buy the next dlc if there was some down time in between. If I had a good experience, why wouldn't I buy the next? Anyways, I bought the Borderlands handsome edition during the Black Friday sale. Looking forward to trying it out this weekend.
[quote]I have been playing Destiny for quite a while, and I have noticed its - at places massive - shortcomings and Bungie's unwillingness to deal with these in a thouroughly positive and constructive way. I have been trying to figure the motivation behind this. It took me quite a while, but I think that I am now having a picture of what is really going on here. Bungie's main goal is to make as much money as possible with Destiny. Their goal is not to make players satisfied or happy with their game. Their goal is to hook them to the game and make them come back whenever they are selling another expansion. If you follow the breadcrumbs by reading the proper posts and online articles, you will notice that Bungie is optimizing the incentive given to Destiny players to expose that behavior by exploiting behavioral research and fine tuning Destiny to make the best possible use of it by gathering statistical data about player behavior and habits in this game. This is why loot drops work the way they do, why you usually get bad loot, why some loot is very hard to come by, and why Bungie rather fixes bugs that make things for players too easy than fixing glitches that break the game for players. The reality behind Destiny as an industry product is cold and brutal, and players are feeding it with their time and money. I think it is out of the question that a computer game has to offer the kind of rewards and reward mechanisms Destiny is offering. However, imo these should be just a part of a bigger gaming experience, the spice on a meal consisting of healthy ingredients. In Destiny, these rewards are the core of the game, and the way they are exploiting the human mind has a strong tendency to turn the gaming experience into a laborious grind instead of an enjoyable experience. This is emphasized by the tendency Destiny has to draw out its grinds and the fact that the design of Destiny is to reward players by getting some hopefully good loot at the end of the grind, and not by offering entertaining and diverse ways to acquire such loot. I have found myself playing Destiny far beyond the extent where I found it to be entertaining, relaxing and fun, and where it became a simple matter of forcing myself through it just to finish some of the challenges it offers for the n-th time to hopefully get some good loot - loot the only purpose of is to make playing through the same challenge the next time for even better loot easier. I am talking about the Oryx raid here - the single high profile PvE end game activity Destiny offers, because the others have been sent to oblivion in order to make players purchase the next expansion. I would like to illustrate this by comparing Destiny to Borderlands, which imo is a fantastic game with a rich game world, well thought out reward system and a great story with interesting protagonists making that game world come to life. Playing Borderlands is fun because it offers so much game lore just while playing, has so many different characters and locations, so many twists in its plot, and because the plot gives sense to the player actions and involvement in this game world. It is enjoyable to just play through Borderland, visit all its places, meet all the "people" in it, and unravel its story. Compared to that, Destiny is bland and hollow. Its lore is a mix of hardly connected, confused pseudo philosophical nonsense (yeah, I have read all the grimoire and tried to figure the meaning behind the pompous trash literature it is - the kind of literature an amateur would come up with whos self image as a writer is in no relation to his gift of story telling, or rather the lack thereof). However, the real problem I am seeing behind this is the cold, unrelenting business calculus behind this. In my opinion, the driving force behind Bungie / Activision, the people in charge, lack acceptable ethics. It is ok for them to exploit people the psychological and mathemical/statistical way Destiny does. There's no law against it, and there's a lot of money in it. The sad thing about this is that a morally intact person doesn't need regulation by laws, but obviously the moral compass of the people in charge at Bungie / Activision is broken. This is exacerbated by Destiny so shamelessly replacing content and quality with psychological tricks to make players keep playing and returning to it. Bungie / Activision give a flying crap about whether you actually enjoy Destiny or not as long as they can make you come back and wave your tail while drooling in front of the food bowl for more, by exploiting and manipulating your psyche. In my opinion this is hubris. TL;DR: Destiny is a treadmill, and it is on purpose and by design, to exploit the human brain's reward system to the max with the goal to hook players to the game and come back and pay more for it when the next expansion is released.[/quote] It is digital crack and players are definitely "chasing the dragon". I think they pushed it a little to far though and lost a large amount of their player base...?
#BumpForTruth That was an excellent critique on some of the more... uncomfortable aspects of this game and the people behind it, OP. Ever notice how no one from Bungie ever comes out to defend themselves from posts like this? When it's a post that is nothing more than a personal attack, I get it - those kinds of posts should be ignored. But ones like this...? If I had made a game, and I felt you were wrong in your assertions, I would defend it until I was blue in the face! I would be proud to do so. Do you need any more proof that Bunglevi$ion couldn't give the furry crack of a rat's behind about you having fun with this game? Or that they can't defend themselves, because we've all been right all along? https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/173224562
Well said I too agree that bungie and activision have no intention of making an immersive universe filled with multiple fun avenues to loot and lore. There is only the grind. Malicious manipulation simply for profit. The longer it goes on the clearer it becomes
I was thinking last night that even the releasing of DLC is on a fixed interval schedule, releasing content when people become burnt out. They could have released it for free, but saw room for profit. Sure they're a business, but the morality is completely lost.
Bump! You are morpheus and this post is the red pill
Excellent post. You inspired me to go ahead and buy the book [i]Getting Gamers: The Psychology of Video Games and Their Impact on the People who Play Them. [/i] It was just published in October, and for a lot of us, may illuminate what we [i]feel [/i]about Destiny - and gaming - but don't quite know how to articulate. You do an excellent job of articulating your argument here, btw.
Edited by Thane: 12/3/2015 8:24:42 PMI believe you're seriously overthinking this. All one needs is little knowledge/experience/background on loot based games to properly evaluate Destiny and what it tried to accomplish. That same background/experience (lack there of) is the reason why so many console gamers got sucked in/addicted then tired of it rather quickly. Its simply a poorly executed loot based game with BIZARRE design choices, the bare minimum of effort and a shockingly small amount of loot/variation. Add to it the insane randomness. Absolutely no effort before the endgame which is reached way too quickly AND after it (again lack of loot/variation/activities). The great shooting/gameplay served as a good cover to the lack of content, but that's far from enough. Also overcharging their small Vanilla/DLC's doesn't help their case (vanilla games in the same genre offer more than the entirety of Destiny). The concept of combining an excellent FPS experience with loot to chase (not just a couple), places to explore/actually find something (not small and empty) along side a friend was FANTASTIC. But thats not even remotely close to what they delivered/continue to release.
Edited by shoe1ace101: 12/4/2015 12:27:03 PMA company trying to make money? Inconceivable. In the triple A game market you can't expect a developer to be able to keep up with thousands of gripes everyday. In my opinion Bungie has done well to keep up so well. Throughout a franchise you see constant improvement e.g fallout, CoD. The developers refine the game through years of feedback to create great experiences. You can't expect a perfect game from the first installment in a franchise. Give destiny time.
Edited by NPeraAz: 12/3/2015 9:10:09 PMI consider Destiny to be very much like Diablo. Fun repeatable content. Sure I know they are running the loot system a certain way to make sure you get rewarded "often but not too often". But I'm not playing for that perfect roll. I'm playing because I have fun playing the game. Maybe the fact that I enjoy the game keeps me from see the developer's true intent. Maybe they are all evil capitalist who just happen to be game developers. Perhaps they gathered as many diabolical people as they could into a group hundreds strong and schemed to take our money by creating things we only "think" are fun. Honestly, you're probably right and I'm doomed to lose nearly a hundred dollars a year, futilely whiling away the hours, unable to experience true joy! Oh well.
Easy solution. Just walk away. You won't even feel much desire to go back once you've taken that first step. Find something better to spend your time on. Life is too short for what Destiny has become.
Edited by KingsmanLXIX: 12/4/2015 12:22:26 AMBUMP Q: if I'm going to use my dysentery disc as a coaster, should I place my glass on the label side or the disc side?
Excellent summary. Can't see them changing anytime soon; not so long as gamers support the unethical tactics. #ethicsingaming
Edited by Shadow_Legion: 12/4/2015 9:52:23 AMUse the word. Skinner box. If people don't know what it is look it up. Intermittent reward system used to manipulate a subject's behavior. It is the same science behind slot machine and usually encourages unhealthy behavior patterns. Escape the box.
Mhm, yeah, yes, Yep, because your experience of course represents all of ours. What if I actually enjoy the grind? What if that feeling of satisfaction after doing a -blam!-LOAD of activities feels great? What if I have FUN throughout all of that? What if I play with friends and have talked with them about their personal lives? Its easy to speculate about "the evil that is bungie" when theres nobody who works there looking you in the eyes. The people who make Destiny are not some sort of sniveling, plotting, hand-wringing assholes, THEY ARE -blam!-ING PEOPLE who have invested so much of their time and love into making a game that kicks ass. Go watch ANY interview with ANY person who works at bungie and you'll get a sense of just how -blam!-ing much destiny means to them. Go, seriously, watch just ONE. Here, have two freebies only 100% off! Crucible Radio goes to Bungie: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezBkQWPOF1M) Crucible Radio interview with Jon Weisnewski (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwyGYiGwp2U) Call now and receive an extra set of "-blam!- YOU" *Totally FREE!* Its extremely easy to call a company or "big" entity evil by speculating that they developed a system that rewards you in a specific way. *THATS HOW VIDEO GAMES -blam!-ING WORK* And another note, by speculating all this bloody nonsense, not only are you insulting "the big head honchos at bungie/activision", you're insulting the work that thousands of developers who have poured a god damn portion of their life into something that they think is worth it. So if you think your little rant about how destiny is all about money is going to help make it a better product, you're in the wrong place, buddy.
From business side : Destiny is a great success for Bungie & Activision duo Because they basically created one simple game , chop it into pieces , and sell it 4 times for a cost of 140$ Of course not all spend that much but majority of Destiny players ordered Season Pass But this quick cash grab will surely cost Bungie in long run. Last year they didn't had competition . Now they have other games that take players attention but they still don't have a good competitor product : PVE with good co-op ability. From player stand point , Destiny is a slap on our faces. Tons of different ex guardian explained the reasons several time.
Not to mention this game has the worst story line ever. I mean EVER IN ALL OF GAMING HISTORY. the story sucks, they're all about money (expansions, silver, cut content) They charge for silver to get emotes and will charge for dlc. All they want is money. You can tell because half the weapons and content in the new expansion was all reskins. Most of everything is a backwards map run through. I'm done with this game. It was an addicting game that had no rewards mentally. Just a frustrating grind to the bitter end only to get rewards and level cap for what? NOTHING AT ALL. bc the next dlc makes everything previous obsolete. Bye destiny. It's been real Real -blam!-ing lame. Try being less greedy with your next installment.
This is literally what all video games do that want you to keep playing. Most people define this phenomenon as "having fun", "creating enjoyment", or "pleasure". You are clearly a child or new to gaming if you consider this a "treadmill". There are people that ran WoW raids for weeks to be able to move up to the next raid that they had to run for weeks to move up to the next raid that they had to run for weeks to get the best gear or legendary weapon they wanted. Substitute weeks for months if you have average or poor luck. Games before that had guild leaders that doled out gear based on commitment and playtime, so anyone playing less than 40 hours a week had no chance. I've gotten everything I've wanted out of Destiny in every expansion and I play probably 20-25 hours a week. I played WoW 40+ hours a week for years and got maybe 10% of the items I wanted. Your hubris remark is #amusing
Props for taking the time to lay out your argument so clearly. I always found that Destiny was good but could be so much better and feel shortchanged that all their updates affect player behavior rather than putting some meat in this flavorful but soupy stew. I wish we could mod the shit out of destiny like PC guys do to their favorite games.. I included the link underneath because I think while your post was very convincing and is a factor the real motive behind the Bungieniuses manipulations is gluttony. http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Bungie-Activision_Contract
It's kind of hard to delineate what this game does for me exactly, I've praised this game at times, I've bashed this game at times, and at other times I remained neutral. I've played in excess, moderation, and times where I've put the game down for awhile. In the past couple weeks I stopped playing, started on metal gear solid 5 ( great game btw). I didn't miss destiny one bit these last couple weeks the thought of it didn't cross my mind until challenge mode released. So I played yesterday, grabbed the checkpoints, beat warpriest 3X in something like an hour and got off. After that my plan was cool " starting tomorrow I'm just gonna play metal gear all week til the next challenge rinse repeat. It's funny because when I got home from work today I thought hmm maybe I'll play some destiny lol?! It doesn't help that one thing bungie actually nailed is the shooting mechanics in the game, at times your characters can almost feel like an extension of yourself if that makes any sense. Combined that with the "hooks" they sink in which is pretty much everything you listed above and that makes for a pretty addicting combination by design. Bungie may fly to close to the sun one of these days and get burnt.
Edited by ManatuBear: 12/3/2015 4:42:10 PMNot sure of what you are complaining about... The only "mandatory" weapon for the Oryx raid is Touch of Malice and eveyone can get one, even the Black Spindle is in reach of everyone. We are not back to a Crota situation where the Ghorn was "mandatory" but impossible to predict when to get one, since it was purely down to RNG. Getting higher level is even easier now with the raid challenges. My 3 chars went up 2 lvls with the new 320 artifact and weapon.
Just because: [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/177688217[/url]