The Domain has a hypothetical on the highly debated topic of gun control. It has searched it's records and would like to present to you, what The Domain believes to be, a sensible and logical course of action to combat the absurd churning of deadly weaponry into the population, and preserve the right that your Constitution has bestowed you.
According to records any responsible gun owner understands the importance of safety. Sadly many people either have not been taught or simply do not understand. The Domain recommends a class be required on the firearm you wish to own.
It may cover something as simple as gun safety to complex things like proper aim, assembling and disassembling, cleaning, etc.
This seems logical as records indicate that specimen are not permitted to handle a vehicle (equally if not more deadly) with out proper training by the government.
Perhaps funding for these classes could be achieved through a moderate tax increase on firearms. In a best case scenario the role of teaching could go to experienced members of the American warrior class. This would supply these veterans with a paying job doing what they had been taught.
The Domain awaits American specimen to supply their thoughts. The Domain is patient, but it requests that any hostility be suppressed. Proceed.
so long as the class is provided for and required in a free market situation