Just think about it, have [b]you[/b] ever met someone from North Dakota? And if you did, how do you know that they just aren't government agents?
North Dakota is a government coverup.
I live in NODAK
Want to know why your gas prices are so low? The oil boom in North Dakota.
Tucker, You know about me!
It's been sucked dead by all the oil companies killing it like a vampire
South Dakota killed North Dakota to steal delta.
[quote]Just think about it, have [b]you[/b] ever met someone from North Dakota? And if you did, how do you know that they just aren't government agents? North Dakota is a government coverup.[/quote]
Oh offtopic attracts the biggest idiots on the planet.
Oh. My. God.
Has anyone ever seen North Dakota and Mordor on the same map? This might just be me, but doesn't this seem a bit strange? It's like they're trying to hide something
Ya it does It's Vermont you're thinking of
You're right...... It's just Canada up there....
This reminds of that one episode of CODE MENT. [spoiler]a Code Geass abridge series[/spoiler]
[quote]Just think about it, have [b]you[/b] ever met someone from North Dakota? And if you did, how do you know that they just aren't government agents? North Dakota is a government coverup.[/quote]
Wyoming doesn't exist.
But wait a minute... My brother went to North Dakota For military reasons And if so then [b]there is[/b] something up here If North Dakota doesn't exist then there is [b]nothing[/b] there right? Wrong It's [b]quite[/b] simple really, there trying to give us a message [b]Like[/b]wise it is a message because why is there a North and South Dakota, why isn't there just Dakota? The same reason why there is a North and South Carolina... And to figure out that reason is to find out what South and North have in common O is the second letter and if so then O is 1 letter so what is 2+1? 3 and what has its 3rd letter an O? [b]Blowing[/b] Now you may think it's random, but it's not You see blowing is basically wind picking up and moving something somewhere else, sometimes, [b]your[/b] papers. And when your papers go flying into the wind it's making [i]whooshing[/i] noises. And what else makes whooshing noises? A [b]Load[/b] of leaves. Which makes sense now. Why? Because [b]in[/b] the north it's usually cold right? So if so then Fall and winter is also cold and what happens during these seasons? Leaves fall off trees making you guessed it Loads of leaves But [b]a[/b] leaf is usually green right? That maybe true but they will later turn brown, yellow, and red. And who is in the North with a Red leaf as a symbol? Canada. This is where Justin Bieber became famous when he was [b]10[/b] and if that's so then it has been over a [b]year[/b] since he went to Canada. And since North Dakota is right below them then they would be neighbors. However if they were neighbors then they would talk to each other like they are [b]old[/b] friends, but they don't And with this evidence, does North Dakota exist? It's all in the bold letters [b]There is nothing quite like blowing your load in a 10 year old[/b]
I had a geography teacher say the same thing about Idaho.. But she actually believed it..
I live in Minnesota and once went to where the government claims North Dakota is. As we drew close it was as if we could feel a rift in reality. Finally we got to the edge and the world stopped. We were looking into a void of emptiness. I have friends that "go to college in NoDak" and haven't heard from or seen them since.
Hello, right here. I am from North Dakota.
Edited by Legend To None: 12/6/2015 12:34:22 AM....You better watch your back..[spoiler]Im finding out Im not the only active North Dakotan on b.net now. This is surprising[/spoiler]
North Dakota is area 52. Wake up, sheeple!!
How do we know you don't exist? And you're just some government agent from this weird planet you call "North Dakota" Wait..are you a FLITHY SYNTH?!?!?!
How's a boot dat, eh? It's really South Canada ya silly hosers!
Hmmm. You seem to have a point. I've been to South Dakota(the name does insinuate there is another Dakota) Wyoming and Montana but not North Dakota.
North Dakota doesn't exist. It's South Canada and Northwest Minnesota.
North Dakota? You mean South Canada
Illuminati confirmed...