They don't want you to use old weapons, so they don't carry them into year two. They find people still prefer to use them so they retroactively nerf perks on those weapons. They gave players a new set of gear to choose from but made three quarters of in game gear obsolete. If the new gear is as good as the old gear, why not leave them in game and let the the player choose what they want to use. That's what I'm saying. If you prefer to use super pox, why not be able to use it? Why do I have to use the villainy?
... because capitalism is all about the elite forcing the masses to grind their ass off trying to get what the 1% tells them that they want. You can use the villainy but capitalism has made it so that Super Pox is better due to planned obsolescence. It's no different than a new iPhone coming out every 8.5 months. Capitalism through and through.