1. Commander Shepard [Mass Effect] (for inspiring leaders that never gives in)
2. Lara Croft or Nathan Drake [Tomb Raider/Uncharted] (duh, treasure hunting especially in Raids)
3. Duke Nukem [Duke Nukem] (going toe to toe with badass aliens)
4. Liara Tsoni [Mass Effect] (cuz I'd rather look at an Asari chick than the Awoken females lol)
5. Ruby Malone [Wet] (having a female badass that sorta like a female version to Duke Nukem)
I would choose Lara..Drake plays around too much lol
I like Drake cuz he's sorta like a comedian, lighten up the mood in raids. Lara Croft on the other hand, she just wanna show off her body and distract other guardians on how she moves until: Guardian down! by random traps in raids XD