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12/4/2015 4:23:27 AM
I think a year is long enough to use the same weapons.

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  • They ruined a lot of weapons before the 1st year was over.

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  • That's true. Auto rifles as a whole were made useless in pvp & pve for months.

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  • Name all of them

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  • Vex, pocket infinity, fusion period, shot guns, Suros, ARs in general, Hawkmoon, hand cannons in general, black hammer, icebreaker, not to mention the number of guns that were/are garbage out of the gate. The black hammer thing crack me up too. They said the way it was merited it being exotic which was why they changed it. Ok fair enough. So they make an exotic version but keep the nerfed perk. That makes no sense.

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  • Edited by OwlPharaoh: 12/4/2015 4:23:34 PM
    They never ruined those weapons except for autos,lol...they balanced them,vex was too op in the beginning..pocket infinity had too much ammo and all they did was reduce it,hawkmoon Is fine the way it is,the only thing they with with icebreaker was increase the charge time to 8 seconds..that's all..and the black hammer nerf was reasonable,you could constantly dps bosses without losing ammo which is a little bit unfair

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  • Implying all weapons were used for a year

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  • ok here is a banana, have fun.

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  • Thanks! I was hungry.

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  • I had my full set of Adept weapons for 2 months. Nuh-uh.

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  • That bungie post was made in december, so I'm referring to the weapons that were out at that time.

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  • Even still, then they've immediately gone against their whole "respecting players' time" principle by continuing to invalidate gear that was introduced [i]after[/i] that point. -_-

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  • No they didn't. That post was a reference to TDB, when you had to trade your maxed exotics to raise them to the new max attack/defense values. You also had to re-level them & upgrade their nodes again. They fixed this in HOW with etheric light, & now they have infusion to prevent the same thing from happening again. They never said year 1 gear would be brought along for the entire 10 year run.

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  • [quote]They fixed this in HOW with etheric light, & now [b]they have infusion to prevent the same thing from happening again.[/b][/quote] ...except that by leaving [i]all[/i] of Y1 behind, they literally repeated the [i]exact[/i] same mistake; again; on an even bigger scale. They didn't "fix" anything. [quote]They never said year 1 gear would be brought along for the entire 10 year run.[/quote] Obviously. But it's perfectly reasonable for me to expect that my gear will always be relevant in the game that I [i]earned them in[/i]. Just in case you didn't know, "Destiny 2" (as in, a proper [i]sequel[/i]) has been confirmed to be in development during the Marty O'Donnell lawsuit. The game we currently call "Destiny" isn't [i]going[/i] to exist as a single, WoW-type ecosystem for those "10 years," so whether or not our gear will transfer over into the [i]sequel[/i] is an entirely separate discussion. ;)

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  • Edited by Jvp WReNCh: 12/4/2015 5:24:29 AM
    They didn't leave all of year 1 behind. There's a bunch of exotics (what that bungie post was referring to) that came up to year 2 & there's more on the way. & again etheric light & infusion fixed the problem that the bungie post was referring to. Also your gear is still relevant for the content that was available when you earned them. Wanting to use old gear for new end game content takes away the sense of progress. & just because destiny 2 will come out eventually doesn't mean we'll start from scratch. The titles mean nothing, as evidenced by ttk (which is basically a destiny sequel)

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  • Lol! A sequel which uses the exact same maps & missions with a few that are new chucked in?

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  • [quote]etheric light & infusion fixed the problem that the bungie post was referring to.[/quote] That's demonstrably false. The [i]problem[/i] that post is referring to was the basic issue of respecting players' [i]time[/i], which was [i]totally[/i] undone when they invalidated an entire year's-worth of players effort in "Year 2." They also [i]specifically[/i] said that they didn't want players to ever feel like their favorite gear had become useless... Like, they [u]literally[/u] said that. You can't deny the irony. :P [quote]The titles mean nothing, as evidenced by ttk (which is basically a destiny sequel)[/quote] A rose by any other name, bro. It's being treated [i]like[/i] a "sequel," but it [i]isn't[/i], in any way.

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  • [quote]That's demonstrably false. The [i]problem[/i] that post is referring to was the basic issue of respecting players' [i]time[/i], which was [i]totally[/i] undone when they invalidated an entire year's-worth of players effort in "Year 2."[/quote] That's not true at all. The post was referring to people having to trade in their maxed exotics to get the same exotic & grind to max it out again. You can go back & read the update if you want, & you'll see I'm right. [quote]They also [i]specifically[/i] said that they didn't want players to ever feel like their favorite gear had become useless... Like, they [u]literally[/u] said that. You can't deny the irony. :P[/quote] That would be ironic, but they weren't talking about legendaries. They planned for TDB legendaries to take the place of the vanilla ones. That's why they made entirely new sets of gear that was all more powerful than even the highest vanilla gear could be. Again, that's how progress works. Etheric light says "year 1 max" in its description as well, so it shouldn't have come as a surprise that year 1 stuff wasn't going to come into year 2. [quote]A rose by any other name, bro.[/quote] That phrase proves my point, not yours. They keep calling it "year 2" & "TTK" but it's obvious that this serves as a sequel. Some of the ways in which it is a sequel are the new subclasses, new leveling system, their biggest armory to date, year 1 activities & gear being irrelevant for the new end-game activities, etc.

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  • [quote]The post was referring to people having to trade in their maxed exotics to get the same exotic & grind to max it out again. [...] they weren't talking about legendaries. [/quote] The [i]article[/i] was focused on Exotic details, yes, but the particular quote in question was directly responding to the overwhelming backlash to the fact that ALL Vanilla gear was being left behind; legendaries included. If you were on the forums actively, you should remember that. [quote]“Does this make all my gear worthless?” No! _______ [u]Your feedback is clear[/u]: The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected.[/quote] The majority of the backlash wasn't just about exotics; it was largely about Raid gear! I know what the hell I'm talking about, believe me. And, on the topic of Etheric Light; [quote]"In the months to come, your quest to become more powerful will have more avenues that lead to satisfaction. [...] That conversation is already raging internally"[/quote] Do you seriously not get it? That, right there, PROVES that their comments weren't just about Exotics, because they allowed player to upgrade [i]everything[/i] in HoW, as a direct result of player feedback. It couldn't be any clearer, honestly. As the developers, Bungie can change their design plans as they please, but it does [i]not[/i] change the fact the quote in the OP is refering to [i]all[/i] of Destiny, not just the Exotics. And that's a fact.

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  • I wasn't on the forums back then, but I know there wasn't backlash because old gear wasn't left behind when TDB came out. I & many others used fatebringer & vision throughout all of year 1 with no problems. [quote]“Does this make all my gear worthless? NO”[/quote] This quote that you posted proves that legendaries weren't left behind. [quote]Do you seriously not get it? That, right there, PROVES that their comments weren't just about Exotics, because they allowed player to upgrade [i]everything[/i] in HoW, as a direct result of player feedback. It couldn't be any clearer, honestly.[/quote] This update was made months before etheric light came out. Again, people didn't have a problem using vanilla gear during TDB. Bungie made etheric light on their own volition, not because of public outcry.

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  • [quote] That's not true at all. The post was referring to people having to trade in their maxed exotics to get the same exotic & grind to max it out again. You can go back & read the update if you want, & you'll see I'm right. [/quote] Oh you mean like having to reearn all of my exotics that carried over into year 2, at the tune of 125? Legendary marks each? Then having to relevel them up? Oh and all those legendaries I busted my ass getting and worked so hard for that etheric light to get them max level? Cant infuse them... even though its literally about the look/having got a perfect roll. A legendary launcher from vanguard is a legendary launcher from crucible. No special perks etc. But yet we cant infuse because they want us to use "new" weapons. You mean reskinned? Gr8 b8 m8.

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  • [quote]Oh you mean like having to reearn all of my exotics that carried over into year 2, at the tune of 125? Legendary marks each? Then having to relevel them up? Oh and all those legendaries I busted my ass getting and worked so hard for that etheric light to get them max level? Cant infuse them... even though its literally about the look/having got a perfect roll. A legendary launcher from vanguard is a legendary launcher from crucible. No special perks etc. But yet we cant infuse because they want us to use "new" weapons. You mean reskinned? Gr8 b8 m8.[/quote] Yep. Only difference is you don't lose your year 1s to get the year 2s. & you don't have to grind to level up gear. Motes give exp & there's no shortage of em. & exotic armor comes with their exotic perk for free now. Side note about legendaries: bungie completely redesigned legendaries because of all the complaints about people rerolling for god builds. They also got rid of rerolling entirely. What would be the point of doing all of that if people just infused their rerolled weapons?

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  • [quote]What would be the point of doing all of that if people just infused their rerolled weapons?[/quote] Because they also already COMPLETELY nerfed virtually every perk from Y1, for that EXACT reason. None of those potential rolls are "God-tier" anymore, man. They already dealt with that issue in the 2.0 patch, therefor capping Y1 was completely unnecessary. Also, PvE is the only area that's negatively affected, while PvP players can largely still use the without issue. Pretty asinine to nerf weapons based on PvP issue, yet ONLY leave them to be viable [i]in[/i] PvP, don't you think? -_-

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  • Edited by Jvp WReNCh: 12/4/2015 7:18:53 AM
    Almost everything you just said is wrong. Just because bungie removed some perks doesn't mean all of the god rolls are gone. There's also an entire archetype of sniper rifles in year 1 that's been reduced to 3 snipers in year 2, & 2 of them can't be used universally. & the nerfs affect both pvp & pve. The meta for both activity types has changed drastically since destiny was 1st released. Not trying to be condescending, but are you new to destiny?

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  • [quote]Just because bungie removed some perks doesn't mean all of the god rolls are gone.[/quote] Dude, read the [url=]2.0 patch notes[/url]. [quote]"We have revisted all of these Year One stat perks and reduced the amount they buff your weapon stat to re-normalize against Year Two weapon lethality"[/quote] On top of straight-up removing certain perks, they [i]substantially[/i] nerfed most of the Y1 perks, and I do mean substantially; about 50% less effective, on average, and as high as [i]80%[/i] for quite a few. [b]Statistically speaking[/b], those "God rolls" [i]do not exist, anymore[/i]; fact, not opinion. And, I'm quoting facts because I actually know what I'm talking about, unlike most! :P [quote]Not trying to be condescending, but are you new to destiny?[/quote] -Beta player. -Day 1 player. -Full VoG weapons and armor, on all three classes. -Full CE weapons and armor, on all three classes. -Full ToO weapons (including Adepts) and armor, on all three classes. -[i]Almost[/i] full PoE weapons and armor, on all three classes. -Multiple Skolas kills, on all three classes. -Every Y1 Exotic, most of them maxed. -Full "Triumphs" completion. No, Im not "new to Destiny," by any means. ;)

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  • [quote]"We have revisted all of these Year One stat perks and reduced the amount they buff your weapon stat to re-normalize against Year Two weapon lethality"[/quote] Normalizing these stat upgrades doesn't change the fact that certain combinations of year 1 perks can make some weapons better than any year 2 ones. I have some friends that still use their year 1 weapons in crucible because they're leaps & bounds better than anything they've received from TTK. Maybe "god roll" isn't the right phrase to use, but I say it because they still refer to them as such. Btw, props for doing your research before posting. I wish more people on the forums were like you.

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