**so where is everyone? I left sal in charge while I was gone**
"Many have fallen, others set down their spears and walked away. Indeed, even my father hath fallen. The halls of hell weeped tears of sorrow that day." [spoiler]Sub-plot.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]gotcha[/spoiler] **Damn, he was the last person I expected to fall**
"Twas also the day thousands weeped in fear as my mother took revenge." *The figure chuckles a bit* "Not even the children of hell could pity them."
**Funny, I thought I saw more activity their then normal, guess I know what happened, so who is the grand master now?**
"The council has yet to decide, but I could place money on my sister. She is becoming quite the necromancer. Even now she can gather power by just her followers alone."
**then need to decide soon, I'm getting impatient, the more I wait the more my blood boils**
"Politics. It shall be the end of us."
**indeed, how many members are still alive?**
"Less than I had hoped. Maybe a little more than a hundred out of the hundred thousand full members we once had."
**Thats still enough for what I have planned**
"The only problem is then, is finding them."
**We will, and I will have my revenge**
"You have my sword."
**The blade I'm resting on? I left it here as a memorial, a grave**
[spoiler]figure of speech. Means that I'm gonna help ya[/spoiler]
[spoiler]*smacks head against tree*[/spoiler] **sorry, spaced out for a minute, keep me informed on the council's progress**
"That I will." *A faint tone sounds, and the figure looks down as the armor dissipates into smoke to reveal a young woman in a tight-fitting exo suit* "Ah, time to get to work. See you around." *With a wink in your direction, she takes off in a run that sends her off the cliff's edge*
The suddenly shrek appears out of nowhere and -blam!-s both of you.