originally posted in:Xbox One
Anyone Else have issues getting to Xur this week? He trolled me by hiding behind an unopenable door :( For those of you who don't want to watch he is hiding in the Reef and has Ruin Wings, Skyburners Annex, The Stag, Telesto and Legacy Special Engram
He relocated to the hangar, right?
this dang door galllahorn wil brake it down
Quote from a Mentor about this issue:[quote]Returning to Orbit, waiting a few minutes and returning back into the Reef several times and/or closing and restarting Destiny seems to work around the issue with Xûr's door closed. Please follow this instruction to resolve the issue. If it does not work, please try it again at a later time, like waiting half an hour, play a Strike inbetween.[/quote]
Thank u for not posting a 10 min video of Xurs location....
He's not hiding that was one of his spots during house of wolves
Yeah it's the servers. I just spent Time going to the reef and back and then the door was open
I think you have to find a server where the door is open or something
I don't know what is up with xur?