Seems to me its you who needs a life. Anyone who goes so far to learn so much about computers and memory processing to defend video games and ISNT getting paid for it, has a lot of growing up to do
What, so people aren't allowed to learn about anything that they won't get paid for? You must know a lot about...flipping burgers. What's wrong with learning and researching information in order to better understand a hobby that is a reasonably large piece of your life?
I know nothing of burger flipping, but i know a lot of military tactics and mechanics(cuz i get paid to do that shit) and to answer your question, quite a bit if all youre going to do with said knowledge is go on a forum mostly inhabited by bitches and elitists and make it into one big dick waving contest. So we are supposed to give two -blam!-s because you made a claim as to the capabilities and hinderances of an old generation console to the new generation? Or are you merely trying to stake a claim on your superiority cuz mommy and daddy can afford to buy you the new console? Some of us work and seek no reason to waste money just to play a game, that may or may not be entirely held back by the previous generation console. If i spend my hard earned money on a ps4 or xbox one, itll be to have my buddies over, get drunk, and laugh at eachother and ourselves as we do stupid shit. Totally worth $500 to play destiny at that point
All I got to say is thanks for your service, but you're in the military for the wrong reasons if your in it for the money. And if you would have paid attention in school then you would know the basics of programming or maybe that the military personnel dont make very much money. I'm 17 years old majoring in electrical engineering. Unlike you, I'm learning how so that I can easily get a job that will make more than you ever will. Don't come back to me when your house can fit in my swimming pool bitch.
I was actually making bets with myself about what super awesome career you would come up with. But that's neither here nor there, and neither is your ranting about whether or not to upgrade. All that he did was mention the well-known memory issues that last-gen has with Tower inventories, and postulate that maybe that's the reason why Bungie has to bundle the old emotes as they bring in new ones. I personally don't see that as likely, but there was no reason to tear him down for knowing things that most active members of this forum also know. As an aside, Xbone was $299 just last week. Less, if you factor in the various gift cards bundled in by retailers. Don't know about PS4 myself, but I imagine it's getting pretty affordable too.
Im a grease monkey, nothing glamorous, but i love what i do. Makes it better as i get paid for it. But ive still got a lot of shit to learn. So im saving my money for technical school. If i do upgrade, id get an xbone. For no better reason than to play with my cousin. Who got destiny as a referral from me prior to my deployment. I apologize, i didnt read everything you said.
No worries. I work around grease monkeys every day, and anyone who thinks that a (good) mechanic isn't an intelligent, highly trained individual has no idea. Anyway, the only point I was really trying to make earlier is that last-gen RAM is a real issue, and no one should be attacked or labeled a Desticle for an observation like that, whether it's correct or not.
In all fairness, he did make the first no life comment. I dont like that shit.
Sure, but that was after Mr. Masturbator called him a Desticle twice, as well as laughable, and accused him of doing all of Bungie's damage control. All for making a valid observation. I tend to agree with the "no life" sentiment. He's definitely not adding anything to the conversation.
All the more reason. Its just words. But what i want to know is if last gen truly is holding Destiny back? There are other games with so much more than Destiny. Or is this an excuse started so not too much money is spent in developement? Raises questions. I do have a question, you know more of this than i do, couldnt you just make new servers and download a new os to old gen to boost the memory capabilities? Or too much money?
It may be just words, but I don't understand why you're putting down the otherwise rational poster who made one "no life" comment, and not the one who is spewing nothing but toxicity. Whatever. To answer your question, I don't know anything more than you about how last-gen specifically holds back anything, or how best to fix it. I never said that. All I know is what Bungie has revealed to everybody who reads the updates, which is that last-gen RAM has trouble processing larger numbers of items in inventories, etc. This is why Bungie had to remove the compare option on last-gen consoles in order to give them more Vault space. As someone who has opened up their inventory to use a heavy synth during a boss fight on both last and current-gen, I can tell you the difference is obvious. Would we have these limitations in last-gen consoles if Bungie had written their base code a little more efficiently or something? I have no idea, but I suspect there is no way to easily change that at this point. In the meantime Bungie has to get creative in order to give everyone the best experience they can.
I read what you said, if memory is such an issue, then why bother playing the game if your expectations and unrealistic goals of dropping old gen wont happen anytime soon? My reason, is i enjoy it. Like shooting shit. But if they plan to take the old gen issue away, then they can make Destiny 2 a reality, make it what Destiny shouldve been, and make it a ps4 and xbone exclusive. Make a new game, limited only by the newest capabilities, an entirely new playerbase... Theres a lot to gain here
I'm not entirely sure if this comment is directed at me, or what point you're trying to make. Nowhere have I stated that I want everyone to leave old gen, or for Bungie to stop supporting it, or whatever. All I'm saying (again) is that there are very real restrictions that affect how Bungie has to implement changes. These restrictions may or may not be the reason behind the Eververse reshuffling, I don't honestly know. Go ahead and have all the fun you want on last-gen. That's where I started Destiny too.