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12/4/2015 4:48:18 PM
Glad to see I’m not the only person who is still bugged by this issue. This is one of my biggest concerns with Destiny right now, and the one that has turned away my friends from continuing to play this game. I get that MMOs do this sort of ‘refreshing’ thing every few months, but why couldn’t we have JUST ONE GAME where thats different? And us FPS players aren’t noobs to this concept, COD and Battlefield are constantly releasing new games that immediately reset your progress to 0% if you want to play them (yet it’s almost the exact same game). To me it seems that no one is going to “Become Legend” to anyone but themselves in this game, and gear is the only bit of our guardian’s history that merits any notice by anyone. And since we don’t have any choices in the story of the game, the only option we do have is what gear we use. That history was left behind with the gear when TTK came out. The only hope we have of feeling like true guardians with a history of victory (and not just another face in the player lobby like in COD) is brandishing our 'spoils of war' for all to see. My TDYK from Y1 speaks of my history far better than some ‘exclusive’ shader or emblem that no one cares about. TL:DR The only person we will “Become Legend” to is ourselves. The gear we use isn’t just one of the few choices we get to make in this game, but the only bit of history worth any merit. And that history is being nullified with every expansion that leaves gear behind.

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  • Couldn't have been said any better. Spot on! Bungie, you need to read this post and take note.

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  • Yes, this becoming a legend stuff is really a big joke!! I never understood why we don't get the chance to make your favourite items special and work on them. Like when you have let's say 10k kills with a gun you trigger a quest that gives you the chance to add/change perks and maybe even add elemental damage!! Maybe put little icons on the name tag, or an armband that shows certain achievements, special and uniquely customised shaders... All this stuff would make people unique and maybe one day a legend!!

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  • Aint that a concept lol. It's not even game changing plenty of games have this and its such a simple way to customize.

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  • Its hilarious how the ‘gunsmith’ can’t even do basic gunsmithing. Personally, I think the gunsmith should let you customize all your weapon's perks for around 8,000 glimmer. That way no one gets the best rolls on weapons based on their RNG luck. Earth is one step away from obliteration and our gunsmith can’t even use his PROGRAMABLE MATTER to give us what we need to be the most effective? My guardian would be modding his own guns by now.

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  • Thing is it didn't used to be that way with MMOs until WoW came around and f'd it all up by introducing Vertical Progression. It's one of the reasons I stuck with Final Fantasy 11 for so many years - the last great MMO that just kept offering more and more sidegrades rather than outright replacing things. And even after they raised the level cap and brought in item levels, they STILL went back and adjusted the older stuff so you could bring it up to the new caps with matching power levels. I'm so sad that the story for that game is over at last and they're shutting down the console versions in March :

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  • Bummer. Sounds like Bungie should take a look at that one.

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  • Wish I would have gotten into final fantasy.

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  • The main client is free to download now but there's still the monthly sub. I'm looking to jump back in at some point before March on my 360 just to nab up all the achievements lol but also I really, really would like to get a new working PC so I can properly play through Seekers of Adoulin & Rasphodies of Vana'diel (the game's big finale). FF14 is their new big ticket MMO and it's good, but it sadly follows the same tired rotation of introducing yet more stuff to grind for every 3 months which is why I stopped giving a damn about the endgame and cancelled my sub - I only come back for the story and to say hi to people. Tanaka's not even with Square-Enix anymore and Yoshida is partly in charge of XI along with Producing and Directing XIV so yah no chance of ever going back to the good old days unless something changes in the market. It's actually worse in XIV than in Destiny since at least with Destiny, the gear is actually different and does different things - the only thing that changes in FF14 are the looks and higher stats (whereas 11 had all kinds of stuff that enhanced various job abilities). I really sorely miss games like XI that had a big emphasis on teamwork and open world content that was ever-expanding - if you didn't like or couldn't do 1 thing there was *always* an alternative. I'm sick of this "theme park" crap that MMOs are doing now. Was one of the things driving me to be a game dev actually but that kinda fell flat for me :/ turns out I really hate computer science. /end rambling

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  • Edited by turbtators: 12/5/2015 5:40:10 AM
    I really wish destiny would have stuck with the process they gave us in HOW atleast in terms of the armor anyway. I think games will eventually jump in on bringing all content along through the span of their game. Sorry to hear your pursuit to become a game dev didn't play out. Hopefully you'll find something that you enjoy.

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  • I'm not giving up entirely, just turns out I can't do coding worth a shit. I still have plenty of ideas and artistic talent that just needs some improvement. But yeah trying to go for the Twitch/youtube thing though that's a longshot. I agree about the HOW progression - I actually didn't mind Etheric Light, it was a pain to get but it was still preferable to Ascendant/Radiant nonsense and items already came at a good power level and less upgrade nodes. The whole infusion system just added more layers of RNG that nobody wanted or asked for. Honestly it's retarded that we have to destroy raid gear to improve our existing stuff - I wouldn't mind infusions if: 1) Raid gear harder to get but much more powerful/useful - even the POE armor was more helpful than this crap, nevermind VOG guns. 2) We could get blue engrams up to 310~320 for infusions but of course their stats and perks are naturally much weaker. Oh and requiring exotic shards to infuse exotics on top of them having the worst returns per infusion is just all kinds of bull.

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  • I argued this point for ages both when DB was announced and when HoW appeared. I was one of the vocal voices saying that YES I DO want to get to year 10 and fire my 10k plus damage Gally into the face, tentacle, whatever of the darkness and shoot my 10k plus damage FateBringer while yelling I come to bring your final fate! Because those guns are my legend. I think I ended my argument by pointing out the simple truth based on what Bungie have been doing. I said something like "So I don't technically have to be there at year 10. You can just send me a video and an email telling me how my guardian defeated the darkness. After all I'm not making any choices about how my guardian looks or what he will have equipped at the time. You (meaning Bungie) are making those choices about my legend for me. I simply don't need to be there!"

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  • I like that analogy. Thats kinda how I felt after killing crota: “WOOHOO! I saved the city!!!…and so did he…and her…and those guys…and that group over there. Huh, guess I wasn’t the only hope after all”. So at least let me keep what makes me feel the smallest bit unique. Otherwise, we’re just as well off reading the plot on wikipedia in 10 years.

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  • What's more lengend than having the choice to wear whatever armor you please, and use whatever weapon you please?

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  • That familiarity is what I think some players want to have. Just look at Han Solo in the new Star Wars previews, he's got his old trusty DL-44 blaster at his side. Looking at the vanguards, they have a look about them that shows they've been through a lot. They have history. On the flip side, we will never be able to show more than a current DLC worth of effort with our gear.

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  • That last sentence nailed it. I (sadly) couldn't agree more.

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  • Sad indeed.

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  • Some people love the items they started with and with game that says "become legend" how can you take our items and tell us we can't use them in endgame content. Our gear is what makes our characters and most people love to customize so why take that away? If bungie did their jobs we could have both old and new gear incorporated into this game.

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  • I know there are a lot of COD and MMO people who couldn't care less about holding onto old gear: but why not let those of us who bought into the story of becoming a guardian keep our stuff relevant?

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  • Exactly. Why can't we have both? I put this on bungie and their lack of intitative to give those players gear they are excited about. If they can develope new and exciting gear theirs no reason we couldn't have both old and new content combined.

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