[quote]True. They are speaking in regards to tdb progression. Now if you read below that you see the op's quote. And below his post you will see that they are discussing ways to accommodate players in the future.
Dont give people crap for not reading something fully when you're doing the same thing.[/quote]
Yeah, they say they are discussing future ways.
And they gave us etheric light which is used in the ascension node [u]which says in the description that it upgraded weapons to the year 1 maximum[/u].
No where did they ever promise you would be able to keep your legendary weapons forever.
The quote is in reference to [b]exotics[/b].
Legendaries they gave us an upgrade path for year 1.
That's it.
Read the quote from the op thats the issue. If you make a statement essentially apologizing for a mistake you made in player progression and then go on to do the same thing you apologized for... People are going to make these post and rightfully so.