The one issue Treyarch has always had and never gets addressed is their terrible lag that is built into the netcode. They don't apologize for making games built to destroy you with lag, nah they blame [b]YOU[/b] for it.
Black Op: not too bad (my favorite COD)
Black Ops 2: holy shit bad, unplayable for the first few days and hardly tolerable the rest of it's life cycle minus some insanely bad games. What did Treyarch do to address it? Told us to filter our searches for "best connection matchups." Really Treyarch? Think we did that already?
Black Ops 3: is apparent in every single game and will get you either killed or a kill (still not fair). What did Treyarch do to address it? Show your internet connection simply by pressing the pause button, again insinuating it's our fault. Okay Treyarch you're telling me I have 0(zero, the number zero, less than 1) packet loss and a ping of 55 (which is great!) but I'm still lagging all over the place????
Seriously, people blow Treyarch and call them the saviors of this franchise every freaking installment but they can't even code well enough to minimize the latency? Even if you hate IW or SH you can't deny that their CODs have way less connection issues!
If treyarch tried to make a title that wasn't COD they wouldn't sell 100k units with this bullshit running around.
Half of you want to say this is the best COD in years, that's hilarious because the last 2 were generally hated and nobody is saying this game is even as good as BO2! Great achievement Treyarch, you the real MVP. Take all these kid's parent's money and go ahead making this crap again in 3 years.
CoD has allways been a stupid gameseries. However Black Ops 3 is completely lobotomized
Replying so I can see everybody lose their mind over a pointless argument and opinion of one person :)
They did and with black ops 3 and one of my favorite games of all time spider-man 2
Black ops 3 has a great netcode. Game plays really smooth 90% of the time. I'm usually around 33ms when checking ping in game. Lag ops 2 was awful, using a peer to peer system. Black ops 3 has locations all over the world with dedicated servers.
They made a couple pretty good spider-man games back in the day :/
If you are having lag problems you might want to get off the mcdonalds wifi. My friends and i have not had problems with black ops 3 lag
I haven't had many issues. Only problem in BO3 is terrible spawning. My gf just got killed in the final killcam, the killcam was him spawning, aiming down his sights and shooting her as soon as he spawned directly in front of her. Why they allow this I'll never understand...
I think they made great cods . I will agree the future shit may not be for everyone but I for one enjoy there games . I know what your talking about with connecting . Seeing rainbow connection which lags everyone . But I think that they make great games better then . Iw and shg .
The Spider-man games were great.
Treyarch is the only company to make good COD games since MW1.
Play hardcore, thats the only way i could play with hardly any lag in bo2.
They did, it was called world at war.