[b]they seem too busy to notice you. All of them tower over you at around 7 feet tall[/b]
"You know, they say that being nice cash extend your lifetime."
[b]a group of Spartans in dark blue armor walk by they all have different helmets but other then that their armor is the same[/b]
"Hello? Anything, at all? For fûcks sake."
[b]one of them looks back at you and waves[/b]
I wave back and mutter "Pricks. Besides that guy. I guess."
[b]A Spartan walks by and a few others salute her as she walks by[/b]
"And thus we observe the act of kissing the superior's ass. Fascinating, is it not?"
[b]she walks over to you[/b] "There's a difference between ass kissing and respect"
I shrug "Not particularly, in my experience."
I raise an eyebrow "Oh? Explain."
"Why are you even here?"
"I can ask the same, ma'am."
"We're here to help"
"Mhm. Quite the specificity."
"So why are you here?"
I think, staring off into space "I was bored with my other job. And I had been with the Axion team."
"I see well you can go now we don't need you here"
"Nah. I'll just observe."
"Don't annoy or interfere with my troops unless you want afew broken bones"
"Heh. Sure."
[b]she walks away[/b]