Ever since I heard about The First Curse I was beyond hyped, figured that the people berating it were just scrubs...
Then I finished the Imprecation quest...
The quest itself was BS, those PvP headshots were only possible if someone was really dumb or got their shields dropped by an ally. When I picked up The First Curse from the gunsmith I instantly moted it and brought it to Skirmish so I could....
Get my anal cavity stretched so far I could wear it like a beanie. ARE YOU SERIOUS?! The range was ass and the damage is so ridiculously close to a 2 shot you may as well run into them for 5 damage.
Needless to say when I saw the range buff to The First Curse I was happy, then I saw the increase to mag size and the improved perk.
Now THIS I can use bungie, keep Tex Mechanica's Wild Frontier playstyle alive please and thank you.
When does it buff? What's the date?