Wubba lubba dub dub!!!
But..but Rick It's bun.bun.bungie game I know morty I don't gave a duck
#Offtopic you buttholes.
Lick lick lick lick my balls!
I'm watching an episode right now. checkoutmydong.com
B-b-but, Rick, t-t-the salt off these f-f-forums are going to dehydrate us all!
Way up your butthole morty
You all know me I'm Reverse Giraffe, I have a short neck and legs.
Get your shit together, get it all together and put it in a backpack. All your shit so it's together and if you got to take it somewhere, take it somewhere, you know? Take it to the shit store and sell it. Or put it in a shit museum, I don't care what you do. You just gotta get it together. Get your shit together.
You like that huh? Well I made that up, don't be a sheep.
Shut the ғᴜᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ morty and deal with it
R.I.P Bird Person.
"What is my purpose?" "You pass butter" "...Oh my god" "Yeah, welcome to the club pal"
Gooooooooodbyeeeeee moonman
No! Snuffels was my slave name, you will call me snowball because my fur is soft and white...
I will mess with time*sniff*sniff* i will mess with time.