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originally posted in: Europa RP
Edited by Python824: 12/6/2015 4:21:09 AM
Python turns from the conversation with Jackie and runs into his ship. He kisses his wife, holding her close. "The Dread are here....I love you, babe." She shook her head. "You're not going out there, are you?" He sighs, looking down at the eggs. Making eye contact again, he speaks. "I have to, these guys will get torn up if I don't. I promise I'll stay out of the Phazon." He smiles at her, eyes showing care and love. Her look is mostly concern, but she nods after a while. "Come back to us..." He kisses her and backs off, running back outside to meet with the rush of the soldiers running around to react to the Leviathan. He had grabbed his Vulcans and the 105mm autocannon that the infamous Venom had given him. [i]Your children will grow up fatherless.... No they won't. I will come back from this. No you won't.[/i] He sighs audibly and gets back to finding a ship take, A'Karo resting with the eggs in his.

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  • [i]"Python, follow me!"[/i] [b]Jackie yells, rushing from the ship and making her way to a Pelican[/b]

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  • He follows, picking up speed. Soldiers quickly got out of his way, seeing the hulking metal mass following Jackie. When he enters, she sees him attaching three turrets to his back, his Vulcans, and another turret that looked professionally made. With a pistol at each hip, he looked ready for war.

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  • [b]She closes the cargo bay door, as she fires up the engines, heading towards the planet as quickly as possible Once they get close, breaking atmosphere, Phazon meteors are seen flying by everywhere, one of them burning a hole in the wing of the ship[/b]

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  • He had sat down next to her in the co-pilot seat. Working with a few buttons, the ship slowly began to re-stabilize. "Stabilizing right wing. Three. Two. One. Mark." The ship was stable again.

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  • [b]She continues their decent, hurtling towards the planet at high speeds Once they do break through the clouds, a hellish land is seen, Phazon and magma running rampant in some areas In others, massive flocks of civilians Jackie lands the ship in a safe area, and then steps out, securing the area[/b] [i]"We need to keep any hellish spawns of Phazon away from the evacuation routes, make sure the civilians survive"[/i]

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  • He follows, chambering a round in each pistol. "Make here a rendezvous. Four squads here for reception and medical attention if needed. The rest of us should go out and get the civies." He looks at her for her opinion.

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  • [b]She nods, talking on her comms as she sets up the instructions given[/b]

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  • He looks out at the destruction, remembering what it was like to cause that, not help to stop it. Flashbacks and nostalgia had their moment, quickly shut out by a Phazon meteor landing nearby. Python quickly shakes his head to snap out of the hypnotic state and he refocuses. Once she is done setting up the system, he looks back at her, saying one word. "Ready?"

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  • [b]She nods, pulling her shotgun off her back[/b]

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  • He heads into the fray, starting to help with as many survivors as he can.

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  • [b]She follows after him, covering their six as Phazon is seen spreading slowly[/b]

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  • [spoiler]If you're making the bio, just call timeout and do that lol, it shouldn't take long. I'll help you find pics if you need it[/spoiler] Python keeps pushing through the Hellhole this planet had become. "Help us! Please!" Cries took over as he passed by a house. He looks at the house then at Jackie. "Watch my back." He walks up to the wall and knocks on it. "Hey?" "Yes! We're here! Please help us!" The woman was yelling out to him, her three children of various ages crying next to her. "Back up from the wall!" Shuffling is heard, they were putting themselves as far away from the wall as the could. "Ready!" Python tilts his head to either side, backing up 5 feet. He rolls his shoulders and runs at the wall, dropping his shoulder into it. The wall crumbles at the man's sheer force and power. "Come on! Get out here! Transport's waiting!" The family of four runs out, all scared and dirty. Python steps away from the house, pointing to where him and Jackie had originated from. "Go there. Ways off the planet." They all nod and thank them then head off.

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  • [b]She remained there, watching the local scenery [/b]

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  • He looks at her strangely then shakes his head. "Love my job." Brushing off his shoulder, he starts heading towards the problems. [spoiler]Go finish ye bio![/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]meh, later I got the main part of it up[/spoiler] [b]Just when he turns to leave, a snarl is heard, as a Phazon mutated Wolf jumps onto his back Jackie, was raising her gun, about to fire, when the dog half wimpers, and collapses to the ground[/b]

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  • [spoiler]K[/spoiler] Pulling his pistol, he turns dropping four rounds into the wolf in rapid succession. He looks at Jackie. "Did you shoot?"

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  • [i]"No..."[/i] [b]She gestures, and when Python turns, he found he shot something else four times A young woman, her brown hair stained with the blood she was loosing, as the wolf !lay next to her, a Bowie knife in its neck[/b]

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  • He holsters his pistol, sqwating down to pick up the young woman. Resting her in his arms, he steps on the wolf's head as he starts running back to the ship. [spoiler]That's...what, 3 chars of yours that I've met by injuring in some way?[/spoiler]

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  • [b]Jackie follows behind him, keeping an easy pace[/b] [spoiler]I think[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Lol am sorreh[/spoiler] They arrive at the ship and Python leads her in and ushers the civilians from earlier in. "Short Round! There a medic lab in here?" He looks around, holding the woman in his arms.

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  • [i]"Here!"[/i] [b]She flips a medical table from the wall[/b]

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  • Python sets her on the table, systems from the ship beginning to work alongside him. Grabbing for a pair of tweezers, he began to work at the first bullet soon getting it free.

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  • [b]She moans, barely conscious after what had happened to her Jackie, quickly makes it to the cockpit, firing up the engines as she heads to the Cyprus cruiser[/b]

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  • Still working, Python soon has removed the massive slugs from her and is finishing up with the last bandage. He looks around, finding a splint for her leg and attaches it to her leg.

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  • [b]She eventually passed out during the procedure, although five minutes prior, she had opened her eyes, confusion settling in when she saw herself in unfamiliar territory Then be saw something bizarre Her eyes where blue, but not normal blue Phazon blue[/b]

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