Oh yeah front double bicep....yeah I look good! Oh hey you all walked into my post to see your bungie forum heavyweight champion pose in front of mirror. You see this bicep here!? Do you know how many Fanboys I scared away with just this bicep!? Too many I lost count! You see this foot here!? Do on you know how many Fanboys I stepped on with this foot!? Too many I lost count! Do you see this shoulder here!? Do know how many Fanboys cried on this shoulder!? Too many I lost count! Ahh yes how I have defeated the Fanboy gang lolololol. But enough about you I want to talk about halo 5. In particular The Cartographer's Gift which is another failed attempt from 343 to get halo 5's population back up.It is really sad that halo 5's population is dead already! When 343 announced The Cartographer's Gift all they heard was crickets. ..halo is dead lolololol. What does everyone think ?Please tell I am always listening;)
Tree bark good for your muscles
This post is brought to you by broken steel 3 Captain of the U.S.S bungie and bungie forum heavyweight champion and author of the award winning poem Tears of the Fanboy
Another great post